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I would not wish unemployment on anybody!

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So why were you asked to help out on the one day when you have something to do?


I would have had plenty of time to get back to Sheffield if it was not for heavy traffic. Its just one of those things.


I guess it was a gamble, accidents can happen on the roads.



But like i said to previous posters... the issue they have with me is the fact i left sheffield without telling them.

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The past few months i have been unemployed and claiming job seekers allowance. I would not wish this fate on anybody.


The job centre is run by idiots, public sector pen pushers who should be in the dole queue themself as they would never get a job in the private sector.



I messed up the other day... I was suppose to sign on late afternoon, but i had to go up near manchester in the morning to help my grand mother do her shopping while other family members (who live closer, are on holiday).


I set off about 10ish and expected to be back well before my sign on time. Little did i know i would get stuck behind a load of traffic on one of the motorways, then again the park way was jammed in sheffield due to some motorbike been on fire in the road.



So i called the job centre and let them know why i could not come in, i was told just to come in the next day and sign and explain what happened.


I went in as i was told first thing the next morning. Some lacky then interrogated me like i was some sort of criminal on probation, telling me it says in the small print of one of the dozens of little booklets they give you that you cant leave the city without telling the job centre, even if its just for a day... basically you need permission!!!!!



I had to then wait around for an hour to speak with another bigger lacky from "upstairs" who asked me the same questions, but in more detail, wanting to know everything! What road i was on, what time the traffic started, how long i was in traffic, all these stupid questions.


Now they are sending off some rubbish claim to doncaster for a "decision maker" to decide whether im entitled to job seekers allowance for the whole week!



Basically they are saying that i was not available for work, so i should lose £51 (a weeks dole money). I was only out of the city for a few bloody hours.


I was even asked by some stupid jobsworth if i did any job seeking activity while i was out of sheffield. lol It is just so pathetic!



Then i read the form the woman filled in to send to this decision maker... and the way she worded it all, it sounded like i was out of sheffield all week! It did not mention the fact i was only gone a few hours. I had to force her to put the time i was out of sheffield.



I am livid!


Just livid! I would not wish unemployment on anybody. Never mind not having any money, and a shrinking self worth... the worse part is having to deal with the job centre. Overall it took 4 people to handle this little "dispute" yesterday. 4 people! And none of them could make a decision using common sense, instead they have to send off information to some faceless person in doncaster to do their dirty work for them.



I asked her "how the hell am i suppose to eat and travel to job interviews etc.. if you take £51 off me... thats the only income i have!!!"


The heartless cow just shrugged and basically said its not her problem and she does not know how.



God, i hope the tories BUTCHER the public sector... or at least butcher the job centre. They dont need all those useless staff and all this box ticking, they need to start the whole benefits system from scratch.



RANT OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That is just stupid and unfair. I too hope the Tories absolutely butcher and slaughter the public sector apart from the NHS. Most people who work in the job centre are useless and would be unemployable in the private sector.

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I'm on jobseekers and NOWHERE does it say you need to inform them if you leave the city for a day. Stop exaggerating.


And if the Tories botch up the public sector then NO-ONE would get benefits at all. Even those who are geniunely disabled and can't work, or those who are geniunely looking for work (like me and, I'm guessing, yourself). Be careful what you wish for.


And I agree with victoria22 for the first half at least...

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I would have had plenty of time to get back to Sheffield if it was not for heavy traffic. Its just one of those things.


I guess it was a gamble, accidents can happen on the roads.



But like i said to previous posters... the issue they have with me is the fact i left sheffield without telling them.


One that didn't pay off.


An hour every fortnight to go and sign on and you can't even manage it.

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Right... lets just say the bus that i normally get to the job centre didnt turn up, and i miss my appointment? despite the fact i set off on time etc... as normal, i didnt control the fact the bus didnt turn up...


Just as with my situation i did not control the fact the motorway then the parkway were jammed. I set off with plenty of time to get back, it was unforeseen circumstances that stopped me getting to the job centre on time, not the fact i chose to go help an old lady.


You must work at the job centre or something. Idiot.



The problem the job centre have with me, the reason they are disputing my claim for JSA is not because i could not make my sign on time, its because i did not tell them i was "going away from home" for a few hours. That is the issue here.


(My Bold) Issue is you didn't turn up as required......helping an old lady or not. The reason they asked where you were, what you were doing is so you could try and give a reason for the decision maker.


Oh and thanks for the snap judgement on my IQ......Shame you couldn't focus your own intelligence in arranging your obligations.

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I'm on jobseekers and NOWHERE does it say you need to inform them if you leave the city for a day. Stop exaggerating.



And I agree with victoria22.


I'm pretty sure he just took a direct quote from one of the leaflets, which states he has to inform them when he leaves Sheffield for the day.

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I sympathise with the OP on this one. It was a bad choice to make and a series of unfortunate events followed. The lack of common sense in these places is appalling and I sincerely hope that those who are genuinely slating him for helping out a needy relative never find themselves sat in the hell hole that is the Jobcentre!


People make mistakes, misjudge situations and s*** happens and I'm damn sure that you lot have made your fair share in your time too.


It's hard enough having to be in the position to have to sign on in the first place without fools who wouldn't have jobs if it wasn't for these places existing in the first place, to tell you that you can't have your money when you are genuinely trying to find work and need it to live on.

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