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I would not wish unemployment on anybody!

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I might just do that if they do actually stop my payments.


But the problem is this is sheffield. And my MP is a labour MP.



The system that is in place right now, is a labour party creation. I doubt he will have much sympathy. Champange socialists never do.


No problemo, it will be some lackey that replies, regardless of which party it is. You will get some movement, as will the Department concerned.

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Ok i will repeat it again...




The issue here is that i "went away from home" without telling the job centre. That is what they are persuing here.


They are basically saying that because i went to manchester for a few hours without telling them.. that i was not available for work from the 10th of June til the 16th of June.


That is what they are saying, they are trying to stop my payment for the above reason.




I am not cheating the system, i am a genuine claimant, who is been subjected to pathetic treatment by a bunch of pen pushing nobodies who are lucky to be in a job at all.


I can see why you are annoyed, and yes that does seem overkill for this particular case. However, I can see why they do it and the fact remains that if you hadn't have done what you did there wouldn't be an issue.

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I can see why you are annoyed, and yes that does seem overkill for this particular case. However, I can see why they do it and the fact remains that if you hadn't have done what you did there wouldn't be an issue.


I know why they have to be strict, but there has to be some level of common sense.


Why does it take 4 people to deal with this at the job centre, but none of them can make a decision?


They have to send the details off to someone in doncaster to do the thinking for them.



I think the rule is pathetic. Nobody should have to tell the job centre if they leave the city for a few hours. I can understand why you would tell them if you were going on holiday or something for multiple days. Because while your away you MIGHT not be looking for jobs. But if you just go away for a few hours, i have spent more time been dragged around meadowhall by the wife than i did going to manchester the other days.


But i dont have to tell them that i went to meadowhall do i? Next they will want to know when the unemployed take a dump.

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What i don't get is why are you blowing a gasket over something you yourself are quoting. Do i think it's overkill.....yes, Do i think you should be left alone.....yes. However them is the rules and you fell for the oldest trick in the book...being honest with the job center. They will likely bend you over a barrel now.


Meanwhile slack alice is claiming for her 30 kids, holidays to ibiza and brand new jag.....welcome to the DWP, we hope you enjoy your stay!

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I know why they have to be strict, but there has to be some level of common sense.


Why does it take 4 people to deal with this at the job centre, but none of them can make a decision?


They have to send the details off to someone in doncaster to do the thinking for them.



I think the rule is pathetic. Nobody should have to tell the job centre if they leave the city for a few hours. I can understand why you would tell them if you were going on holiday or something for multiple days. Because while your away you MIGHT not be looking for jobs. But if you just go away for a few hours, i have spent more time been dragged around meadowhall by the wife than i did going to manchester the other days.


But i dont have to tell them that i went to meadowhall do i? Next they will want to know when the unemployed take a dump.


I think what you have experience is the exact reason why so many people can cheat the system and its in complete disarray. A simple thing such as missing an appointment should be dealt with in a few minutes (warning for the first missed appointment and then stopping the money thereafter). No doubt they have to conduct risk assessments and work out whether signing a piece of paper could potentially lead to a wrist injury in later life...

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I know why they have to be strict, but there has to be some level of common sense.


Why does it take 4 people to deal with this at the job centre, but none of them can make a decision?


They have to send the details off to someone in doncaster to do the thinking for them.



I think the rule is pathetic. Nobody should have to tell the job centre if they leave the city for a few hours. I can understand why you would tell them if you were going on holiday or something for multiple days. Because while your away you MIGHT not be looking for jobs. But if you just go away for a few hours, i have spent more time been dragged around meadowhall by the wife than i did going to manchester the other days.


But i dont have to tell them that i went to meadowhall do i? Next they will want to know when the unemployed take a dump.


To which your reply should be....i deal with a little more **** every other.(enter your sign on day here)

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I can't believe you have to inform them if you leave Sheffield, surely that's against your Human Rights? You are not a criminal, you don't have a tag that prevents you from leaving Sheffield. Disgusting to be fair and I share your feelings on it.


No you have to sell your soul to them in exchange for the generous amout of money they pay you each week.:hihi:

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I hated the whole experience and luckily it was only for a few months after university. I would be reluctant to get JSA in future unless it was absolutely necessary to survive.

I think this is the idea; make claiming JSA as unpleasant as possible so that you wont bother if you can survive without, regardless of entitlement.


What annoys me is just how unprofessional some of the staff are. When interviewed for my claim, they seemed to think it was hilarious that I had a PhD and was looking for work. They filled in the dole card with 'Dr' as my title, and a fortnight later when I signed and handed my card over at the front desk, the bloke dealing with me went over to his work colleagues, showed them my card, and had a right good laugh about it, before calling me over for the patronising banter delivered during the signing ritual. During one of the many times I have been sat waiting for one of their appointments (their time-keeping is always out, strangely enough), I witnessed an 'advisor' use the words 'chuffin hell', and later on, 'f***ing hell', in front of a claimant. Once the claimant had gone, the same 'advisor' stuffed her face with crisps and made personal calls about ignoring a text she had just sent as it wasn't intended for that person, etc....all in an open-plan office.



They were also never very happy that I was looking for a particular type of job, the fact I had spent 6 years after school studying didn't seem to be important, I should still have applied for unskilled positions.


They seem to think it's a great use of resources to mail out job adverts for wholly inappropriate jobs (several on the same day, but never in the same envelope). I was happy to try anything to get off JSA, but despite the dole saying these jobs were a good match with my skills and abilities, I didn't receive a single reply about the positions that needed 1 GCSE max :rolleyes:.


The worst thing is that genuine claimants can expect hassle and hostility when making a claim, but those that are abusing the system seem to be left alone to do so in peace. :huh:

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I think a lot of people would feel hard done by if they were in the same situation as you. But wishing ill on the entirety of the public sector workforce based on your personal experience seems similarly heartless.


There is this veiw that anyone who works in the public service are useless & idle - forgetting that the banks royally <removed> up causing the credit crunch. Only to be bailed out by the public sector....

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