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I would not wish unemployment on anybody!

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My only contact with these jobsworths was circa three years ago when I was applying for my bus pass. Silly me thought that my passport and driving licence would prove who I was, and how old I was, wrong.


I had to go to the job centre to have my birth certificate certifield by a clown who considered himself to be very important. He had a good look at me, thoroughly examined my birth certificate and then disappeared for what appeared to be an eternity before handing it back to me duly certified, I reckon that he had been looking for someone who could read and write. :loopy:

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I think this is the idea; make claiming JSA as unpleasant as possible so that you wont bother if you can survive without, regardless of entitlement.


Exactly. However, the JC are very selective about who they are unpleasant to. Recently, I went through this process and saw the most remarkable sights. People drugged up or drunk were treated in a most friendly way (when, by rights it is obvious that they will never, ever get a job, so shouldn't get benefits). So the OP risks losing his JSA. Yet these people don't. Fair, eh?


Normally, the public sector parasites (that's where there's going to be trouble, if these non-productive people keep getting better pay, perks, hours etc. rather than the people who actually do something) bleat on about 'doing a difficult job for very little pay'. Whatever the JC staff are on, it's too much. Difficult? The place is swarming with 'bouncers' who look like rejects from the extras on Dads Army.


So what, exactly, does the JC do? Springing up in town are 'providers' which the JC farm (certain) people out to. We've got the lamentable A4e - 'Improving people's lives'. Sure. The Shaw 'Trust', Remploy - 'Ability not disability' and Wise 'Ability' (see a pattern emerging here?).


As the JC delights in sending - as I say, certain - people to their mates in these little quangoes, don't they realise that their own positions will become untenable? Let's hope so.


Ben, don't get too wound up and stop giving so much personal information out on this forum. Certain posters - who have very little else in their lives - will chip away with their comments (using their one free hand).

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Get your tallons out of him keyboard warrior, you do like having your little pop at folk don't you?


Theres a few on here like that crooksey ..arnt there?....dont see what they get out of it myself:confused:

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The past few months i have been unemployed and claiming job seekers allowance. I would not wish this fate on anybody.


Ben - good luck with your future dealings with the job centre. Just make sure you have their phone number available in case you have 'unforseen circumstances' again that prevent you from meeting the appointment.


And for all of you that have 'bashed' Ben for not having a job, be very thankful that you aren't in his position. It's so easy to take on a superior attitute when people don't meet your own exacting standards. Try 'walking a mile' in someone else's shoes for a change and have a little compassion and empathy for those around you. And remember - there will be more job cuts to follow, so you never know where or when that axe will fall.

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The past few months i have been unemployed and claiming job seekers allowance. I would not wish this fate on anybody.


Ben - good luck with your future dealings with the job centre. Just make sure you have their phone number available in case you have 'unforseen circumstances' again that prevent you from meeting the appointment.


And for all of you that have 'bashed' Ben for not having a job, be very thankful that you aren't in his position. It's so easy to take on a superior attitute when people don't meet your own exacting standards. Try 'walking a mile' in someone else's shoes for a change and have a little compassion and empathy for those around you. And remember - there will be more job cuts to follow, so you never know where or when that axe will fall.


Exactly! There but for the grace of God and all that........

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What is it with all these working people who get all high and mighty when it comes to people on benefits?

Get a <removed> life, just because you have a job doesn't make you better than someone who hasn't.

By the way I have a business and employ 2 people but don't go round slagging people off who havn't got a job.

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is it just me or does it come accross that most people on here think manchester is as far as scotland or something, its the next county for gods sake not flipping highlands of scotland, i bet if a employer did phone asking him to come for a interview it would take 2 hours max to do so, the issue was traffic not the location. what was he meant to do? drive down the hard shoulder? fly? call for a emergency police escort?

doing something other than sitting on his ass waiting for a job to appear is not productive. keeping him self busy is!


i had a complete pyscotic manic episode (i have bipolar) anyway i was put on strong seditives which had me sleeping for 23 hours of the day and dribbling and trying to eat for the other hour, at this point my husband was getting carers alowance for me and i get the highest rate of care on dla, the job centre sent a letter demanding i attend a interview to discuss getting back to work (would of been great if i could of even remembered my own name) they tried to stop our money which caused a huge up roar with my doctor, social worker, mental health nurse, pyschologist, physciatrist and we even had david blunkett involved.

alot of the job centre dont know there ass from there elbows and comman sense doesn't even come into it.

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