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Can you cancel your holiday to America if the beach is covered in oil?

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trouble is if obama told his nation that all brits are from mars they would believe him.


I believe that you're from Mars but I'll overlook your remark as you've just landed in Pitsmoor and dont know your a*s from your elbow when it comes to Sheffield let alone America

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Unfortunately it's a sad fact of life that every country is blighted by their own idiotic vocal minority, don't become part of your countries. You've always seemed like decent chap.
I sometimes have to come up with some dumbass statement to match the garbage that comes out here. I honestly try to curb it, because I actually love my homeland and Sheffield has many happy memories. There is a lack of something happening on the forum now. I'm not sure what it is. There is serious anti Americanism, where there used to be friendship. America gets blamed for everything happening in the world, even the London bombings. You don't like McDonalds, even though you all seem to buy it, which is more than I do. We get stick for our big gas guzzling cars, all those 2.4 liter monsters going 30 to the gallon. If you've never been followed by a monster rig whose using your vacuum to save diesel, then you've never been scared. There are people ( not many ) driving a tight little 2 seater called a Smart Car. The car might be smart, but I'm not sure about the drivers.

None of the smart talk about the Yanks or the Brits will change any thing. No Yank is going to climb into a car with a boot and a bonnet, whats the middle bit called, a dress? No Brit will drive a car with a muffler, he has to have a silencer, which only a Mafia hitman owns in America. Have a nice day, I know youall like that expression.:)

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Why would we want to? The way things are going over there you lot will be taking your weekly baths in an Castrol GTX :hihi:


'Weekly baths'.




I remember reading an instruction pamphlet which (apparently) was given the US forces in Europe during and just after WWll. (It might've been this one.) It provided 'guidance' on things they should (and should not) say 'to avoid upsetting your hosts'. (Things like: 'Never make any adverse comments concerning the Royal Family or the system of government' and 'Never comment on the bodily odours of the British people. They are not accustomed to bathing as often as do Americans.'


'Weekly baths' - whether they need them or not. :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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'Weekly baths'.




I remember reading an instruction pamphlet which (apparently) was given the US forces in Europe during and just after WWll. (It might've been this one.) It provided 'guidance' on things they should (and should not) say 'to avoid upsetting your hosts'. (Things like: 'Never make any adverse comments concerning the Royal Family or the system of government' and 'Never comment on the bodily odours of the British people. They are not accustomed to bathing as often as do Americans.'


'Weekly baths' - whether they need them or not. :hihi::hihi::hihi:

A weekly bath was the norm when I was a kid, administered in a galvanized iron bath in front of the fire. There were no indoor bathrooms in Brightside. Even when I married upscale to Greenhill where my wife's home had one, my father in law only bathed once a week if that. Long before that I had joined the navy, where living in closed quarters would make you offensive to your shipmates if you didn't bathe daily, and have been in the habit ever since. This is what the majority do in the US, and I'm sure many do in UK today. Harking back on something written in 1942 to make some kind of point is exactly what I'm talking about, the anti Americanism on SF.
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'Weekly baths'.




I remember reading an instruction pamphlet which (apparently) was given the US forces in Europe during and just after WWll. (It might've been this one.) It provided 'guidance' on things they should (and should not) say 'to avoid upsetting your hosts'. (Things like: 'Never make any adverse comments concerning the Royal Family or the system of government' and 'Never comment on the bodily odours of the British people. They are not accustomed to bathing as often as do Americans.'

'Weekly baths' - whether they need them or not. :hihi::hihi::hihi:




That brings to mind the house in Sheffield where I first saw the light of day.

It was a large old Victorian house and equipped with an outdoor privy and only of the basic kind, WC and wash bowl. Until after the war when the massive building of council houses got started a large perecentage of houses in Britain had no indoor bathrooms.


During WW2 the government churned out endless rules and regulations on just about every issue affecting the daily lives of the people including their bathing habits. Those people who were fortunate enough to have indoor bathrooms were restricted to the amount of water they could use. I once read that even the Royal family made a practice of limiting the level of their bathwater to no more that 4 inches.


My wife's father was in the US army during WW2 and spent some months in England before D-Day. They were living under canvas but the army provided them with shower facilities. The US army believed that depriving soldiers of a daily shower was bad for morale. He said that after D-Day when they were moving across France showers were soon forgotten and they all stunk to high heaven until they were pulled from the front line for a few days of rest

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Oil is starting to affect Florida beaches. If you have a holiday booked there can you cancel and expect to get a refund?


I was listening to the radio today and the American's are getting very upset about Brits cancelling holidays to Florida and Louisiana, but people I know who have recently returned from the states got abuse from Americans simply for being British.



As stated in the program you can cancel your holiday, but will not get any refund, as this oil slick is not covered by holiday insurance.

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Quite humerous how no one has actually answered the OP's question!


The only way you will find out is by contacting your travel agent/tour operator.

What is quite humorous is how a UK Student spells it.:)It can, of course be humourous, depending which side of te pond you are on.
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