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What have the Irish ever Invented

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The Irish invented the American identity, they all like to trace their roots back to Ireland and they were responsible for many innocent deaths on mainland Britain through their ignorant and endless supplies of money through NORAID (Northern Ireland aid) at the time and our government begged them to stop donations but they were ignorant of the facts and even welcomed leaders of the IRA into the white house.


Can anyone else see a bit of hypocrisy in this? America is now leading the fight against terrorism and we are backing them. Funny old world innit?


Funny old troll innit?


Like all USA citizens like to trace their roots to Ireland - kinds rules out the blacks and hispanics doesn't it?

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Funny old troll innit?


Like all USA citizens like to trace their roots to Ireland - kinds rules out the blacks and hispanics doesn't it?


She's obviously not studied anything, let alone history... (Judging by the evidence of ill-educated and ill-informed comments she's made on this and other threads...)

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And dont forget all the English people whose families arrived here from Ireland either.

It just that with England we assimilated into the population, instead of the ghettoisation (new word, I have just made it up :)) we have with latter day immigrants.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The muzzle loading anti-aircraft gun.........


When the Whitworth breech loaders were becoming must have kit for the military in the 1860s, there were a substantial number of the old muzzle loading cannon still around.


Captain Patrick Mc Fogerty ( later Lance Bombardier Mc Fogarty), who was attached to the Heavy Ordnance Research Wing at Woolwich Arsenal, saw a use for these and came up with a design for a muzzle loaded Ack ack gun. It was a cumbersome weapon because of a heavy and complicated balancing mechanism which was necessary to return the barrel to a horizontal position for re-loading after firing the piece at high angle.


Because of this time consuming operation, the rate of fire was slow and unacceptable. Accordingly, the proposal was never taken up. In addition, as Mc Fogarty's device preceded the invention of a practical aircraft by some 50 years all further research terminated.

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She's obviously not studied anything, let alone history... (Judging by the evidence of ill-educated and ill-informed comments she's made on this and other threads...)


Don't know what you eat, but I prefer chipped potatoes and not chipped pets.t

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The muzzle loading anti-aircraft gun.........


When the Whitworth breech loaders were becoming must have kit for the military in the 1860s, there were a substantial number of the old muzzle loading cannon still around.


Captain Patrick Mc Fogerty ( later Lance Bombardier Mc Fogarty), who was attached to the Heavy Ordnance Research Wing at Woolwich Arsenal, saw a use for these and came up with a design for a muzzle loaded Ack ack gun. It was a cumbersome weapon because of a heavy and complicated balancing mechanism which was necessary to return the barrel to a horizontal position for re-loading after firing the piece at high angle.


Because of this time consuming operation, the rate of fire was slow and unacceptable. Accordingly, the proposal was never taken up. In addition, as Mc Fogarty's device preceded the invention of a practical aircraft by some 50 years all further research terminated.



Was it because he was Irish that he was demoted down from a captain to a lance corporal. I know the Irish were discriminated against but that was a bit harsh I think

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They invented the potato famine too!:cool:


And the word Boycott. The Irish peasants worked for an Engllish landowner a captain Boycott who was by all acounts a somewhat objectionable character. In the end the peasants refused to work for him in any way or provide any services of any kind and he ended up having to fend for himself

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