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Politics experts-Are Libs lying over claims they didn’t know state of finan

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Is there anyone out there who has studied Politics, or maybe who is a Politician themselves and who can answer a relatively simple query for me.


It is common knowledge that during the election build-up the Libdems argued that Public Services shouldn’t be cut just now and that we should wait until the recovery is secure before we start cutting them.


It is also common knowledge that since forming part of the coalition that they are now prepared to support the Tories in their plans to cut the same services and their justification for this is that they didn’t realise how bad the finances of the country were until they got into Government.


Now I’m prepared to state that I don’t believe this and that the real reason for this complete change of Policy is to do with their leaders wanting power at any cost and that they are claiming this was the reason in order to appease the million of Libdem voters who didn’t vote for this.


However, in my thirst for accuracy and information I am wanting to hear from people who know about these things, and in particular, I want to know if our Government has secret information that it is holding from us concerning the state of the public finances.


From my limited knowledge I can do a simple search of the Internet and I can obtain details about Public Expenditure and projected Revenue, also it seems we get news daily about the state of the deficit and the plans to reduce this.


I also seem to recall the only significant news about borrowing shows that we’ve borrowed less than anticipated which would imply to me that the finances are better than expected.


So can anyone explain which information it is that the Libdems have now gleaned that they couldn’t/didn’t have before, that has caused this change of policy, or is it as I suspect that the information has always been there and they are lying to try and appease the millions of Libdem voters who opposed these policies.

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i don`t think that niether the torys or the lib dems knew the sheer scale of

Labour`s mismanagement until after the election when they finally got to look at the books .


But which books does this mean?


The following website details expenditure, so I am concerned (irrespective of who is in power) that there's something we aren't being told or the Libs are lying!



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But which books does this mean?


The following website details expenditure, so I am concerned (irrespective of who is in power) that there's something we aren't being told or the Libs are lying!




whoever is in power ,there are ALWAYS things they prefer to brush under the carpet ,and this is no different.

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whoever is in power ,there are ALWAYS things they prefer to brush under the carpet ,and this is no different.


I'd like someone in the Libdems to come out and tell us where this additional expenditure is so that we can trust them.


For the life of me I can't work out why they won't do this!

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tbh ....and keep this to yourself, we were told at a recent meeting that the last Labour Govt were the hardest we'd ever had to deal with in terms of finance, budgets and spending. They were a lot more on the ball than the Blair Govts. It was mentioned that a Tory Govt might be welcome as they could have the wool pulled over their eyes more easily than Brown's Labour.




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I'd like someone in the Libdems to come out and tell us where this additional expenditure is so that we can trust them.


I'm sure many of us would like lots of things, but most of us are aware that our chances of getting all the things on the wish-list are slim to none.


Trying to masquerade as a potential convert to Dick Camel-Egg's politics isn't going to fool anybody. - Your posts certainly lead me to believe that you may just possible be the teensiest bit to the left of centre. ;) (If not half a mile to the left of Michael Foot.)


Like you, I too wish Labour had been re-elected. - Not perhaps a very wise wish, because it would hardly have been in the the best interests of the country, but I'd have had a whale of a time watching them try to squirm their way out of the mess they've made.


For the life of me I can't work out why they won't do this!


Does that say more about you than it does about them?

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I'm sure many of us would like lots of things, but most of us are aware that our chances of getting all the things on the wish-list are slim to none.



Difference is that the things most of us wish for aren't easily attainable, whereas someone coming out and telling us where this additional expenditure requirement has come from would be quite simple.


If indeed it exists of course, which I strongly doubt.


A bunch of lying traitors, who have betrayed their voters in order to get their 115 room mansions in the country!

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I am wanting to hear from people who know about these things


Oh so very true! That could be said about every thread and post you've ever made on here.



I am concerned (irrespective of who is in power) that there's something we aren't being told


You weren't that concerned before the election, so what's changed?


Oh yes, the government.

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