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Politics experts-Are Libs lying over claims they didn’t know state of finan

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I've got the day off and I've just been listening to three politicians on Radio Sheffield discussing this very point.


I have to say the responses of the Libdem (Scriven) and Tory (Spencer ?) disturbs me more than a little bit.


All they wanted to do was change the subject on to the need for cuts, as opposed to recognising that this information was in the Public Domain prior to the election.


So there you have confirmtion, the Libdems have basically lied to us over their position of not knowing the situation was as bad as it was, we can all make up our own minds on whether or not the motivation for this was to get their nice 115 room mansions in the ocuntry.


Well done to Paul (the Labour politician) for exposing these lies and to Radio Sheffield for giving them the air time.

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Surely everyone knew that whatever party got in there would be cuts?


However whan Cameron tested the water by admitting it and trying to discuss what might be cut his ratings in the opinion polls dived.


After that it was quite amusing seeing the creative variety of ways all three parties managed to skirt round the issue without admitting to anything.

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Surely everyone knew that whatever party got in there would be cuts?


However whan Cameron tested the water by admitting it and trying to discuss what might be cut his ratings in the opinion polls dived.


After that it was quite amusing seeing the creative variety of ways all three parties managed to skirt round the issue without admitting to anything.


The fact they couldn't afford to be truly "honest" (They're politicians so honesty is a relative thing!) is a sad indication of the childish nature of vast swaths of the population. Any cuts to services now are merely the price for that ignorance over the last 10 years i.e. Since Gordon moved away from the previous Conservative governments spending plans and opened the taps on the "free money" machine...


If I didn't know I personally am going to pay due to being classed as "Middle Class" I'd almost enjoy it.

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Budget 2010: Three quarters of voters back spending cuts not tax rises


Nearly three quarters of voters – including most Labour voters – say that the government's priority should be to cut spending rather than increase taxes




That's from a poll in the Guardian by the way.

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So there you have confirmtion, the Libdems have basically lied to us over their position of not knowing the situation was as bad as it was, we can all make up our own minds on whether or not the motivation for this was to get their nice 115 room mansions in the ocuntry.


That's a ridiculous charge, unless of course, you support a party that would have done away with all the grace and favour homes?

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