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Government announces that free Swimming for Pensioners and Kids to end!

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Do you really think I would stoop so low?:loopy:


It was aimed as serapis as he was accusing you of accusing him of lying, I used your post to show him what was actually said.


Apologies for how it looks (I thought it made sense originally. I'll edit the OP to make things a little clearer:).

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I didn’t know the BBC where the official authority on the UK economy. However the latest BBC report on the subject quotes £7 trillion ($9 trillion): http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/10118346.stm


Where’s your O.N.S published figure for this?


The ONLY O.N.S figure published that I can find is this: http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=479




So again, please quote your official source for your claims.


Here's the link.


You'll note that this dated December 2009 whereas yours is dated August 09, you'll also note that the link I gave explains away the discrepancy from your report to mine.


From my link


"But they do show that the nation's wealth was originally far higher than the estimates derived from the national accounts.


An ONS spokesman said the main reason for the difference was probably that the new survey attributed a higher value to households' accrued pension rights than the national accounts."





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This is interesting from your link, the most prosperous 20% of households held 62% of the £9 trillion, and half of households owned just 9% of the wealth.


So instead of the country getting richer it looks like the rich have got richer, who would have thought this under a Labour government?


Agreed totally, perhaps you'll join my crusade to Tax these rich people more instead of cutting the swimming for the kids and pensioners.


A bit like the Mansion Tax that the Libdems were going to introduce!

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This does look like 9 Trillion to me, an increase from 3 Trillion when Labour entered Government.


What do you think it will be when the Tories and Libs have finished?




Well actually if you were able to read your own link you would notice that the figures that you quote are 2 years out of date and that the nations total wealth has dropped by £2 trillion in the last 2 years of the Labour Government that you praise so highly for causing inflation in the housing market. But ignoring that, are you seriously telling people on this forum that you would be happy for your house to be sold and your worldly goods confiscated in order to pay off government debt. My hat comes off to you sir. We only need another 10 million idiots like you and the countries debts would be gone.

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Here's the link.


You'll note that this dated December 2009 whereas yours is dated August 09, you'll also note that the link I gave explains away the discrepancy from your report to mine.


From my link


"But they do show that the nation's wealth was originally far higher than the estimates derived from the national accounts.


An ONS spokesman said the main reason for the difference was probably that the new survey attributed a higher value to households' accrued pension rights than the national accounts."






let’s put this in chronological order shall we


Total net worth of the UK ... at the end of 2008 was £6,954 billion.


Published: 3 August 2009


Household wealth hit £9 trillion in 2008, the ONS says


Published: 10 December 2009


The total worth of households' ... was £6.3 trillion ($9 trillion) at the end of last year.


Published: 16 May 2010


The only published figures available n the ONS website are those saying the economy was worth £7 trillion.



According to your figures, the country's worth would have had to have shrunk by 30% over one year for them to be accurate. Even a child can see your figures are wrong and appear to be nothing more than a statistical mistake, but you will cling on to them for dear life if it means deceiving people into thinking your political masters did a little less damage to the UK economy then they really did. But more importantly, your assertion that this money is liquid wealth shows you have no idea what you are talking about and appear nothing more than a child trying its hardest, but failing to understand.

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let’s put this in chronological order shall we


Total net worth of the UK ... at the end of 2008 was £6,954 billion.


Published: 3 August 2009


Household wealth hit £9 trillion in 2008, the ONS says


Published: 10 December 2009


The total worth of households' ... was £6.3 trillion ($9 trillion) at the end of last year.


Published: 16 May 2010


The only published figures available n the ONS website are those saying the economy was worth £7 trillion.



According to your figures, the country's worth would have had to have shrunk by 30% over one year for them to be accurate. Even a child can see your figures are wrong and appear to be nothing more than a statistical mistake, but you will cling on to them for dear life if it means deceiving people into thinking your political masters did a little less damage to the UK economy then they really did. But more importantly, your assertion that this money is liquid wealth shows you have no idea what you are talking about and appear nothing more than a child trying its hardest, but failing to understand.


You are correct in that these are in Chronological order, however the gaping big hold in your argument lies with the fact that the latest one is a report from the Halifax of Household wealth and not of the nations wealth.


Now if I'm not mistaken I can recall this fact being pointed out to you before by Malky, and from memory I believe he is still awaiting your response so I suspect I'll be treated in the same way.


Hopefully now you will concede I was correct and you can stop the insults.

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