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Are Iran and Venezuela to be feared or pitied?

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Ther is one thing in common with Chavez and the now increasingly powerless Ahmedinijad; they are both 'Neo Fascists'; I cant help thinking increasingly of parallels with Hitlers Germany and Franco's Spain with every news report about Iran and Venezuela; Hopefully the huge majority of good citizens in both countries will bear up to the reality of a fascist state and sooner rather than later the latter will become a thing of the past and true democracy will prevail. Lets hope it wont be as long a wait as was the case with Spain, which had to wait until Franco's death in 1976!!!


Re. Iran, its a great shame that Israel has directly played into the hands of propagandists like Ahmedinijad, through its own blunders in handling the Palestine issue, especially the latest shooting outrage on the Gaza Aid Convoy...

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It's mostly because Iran and Venezuala have broken the mould and demanded payment in non-US dollar currency. The US don't like this because it means they have to draw on their gold reserves rather than just printing worthless dollar bills to buy oil from these countries, so they have started a propaganda campaign to paint these countries out to be evil rogue states in an attempt to get the rest of the world to impose economic sanctions and force them to do business on their terms.


I must admit that I know very little about Venezuela, but while there are certainly aspects of the Iranian regime that come across as distasteful to the western world, I do not believe that Ahmedinijad is anything like as dangerous as the western media likes to portray him.

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And before I get flamed for my last post, I would like to point out that I do not have any concrete evidence to back that up - it is just my opinion. But the fact that Iran and Venezuela have stopped accepting US dollars in payment for their oil is widely known.

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It's mostly because Iran and Venezuala have broken the mould and demanded payment in non-US dollar currency. The US don't like this because it means they have to draw on their gold reserves rather than just printing worthless dollar bills to buy oil from these countries, so they have started a propaganda campaign to paint these countries out to be evil rogue states in an attempt to get the rest of the world to impose economic sanctions and force them to do business on their terms.


I must admit that I know very little about Venezuela, but while there are certainly aspects of the Iranian regime that come across as distasteful to the western world, I do not believe that Ahmedinijad is anything like as dangerous as the western media likes to portray him.


Yeah the Euro and Yen would be good substitutes if they weren't both going down the drain :D

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On BBC's HARDtalk last night Hugo Chavez stated Iran and Venezuela were being bullied and villified by the US/ UN because they were the last bastions of true social democracy standing against the US's aim for world domination.


Shortly after the program the BBC announced that the US had given warning to Europe that Iran could use missiles against European states at any moment. They also claim that Chavez is a dictator rather than a liberator and that he could supply weapons grade uranium to Iran.


Which of these views is most likely in your opinion?

Can you provide the evidence you most agree with please?


To talk about Iran as a true social democracy will be a surprise to the union leaders in prison and those recently executed there.


Chavez and Venezuela is more complicated, certainly there is much that he has done that has been of benefit to the poorest in his country for which he deserves a lot of credit.


Whilst the US statement that Venezuela could provide weapons grade uranium to Iran is a possibility, it is only a possibility in the future. They would need a mining programme first and some nuclear reactors. Without them the US statement (if it has been reported accurately) does seem to substantiate the view that Venezuela is being bullied and villified by the US.


Interesting link to a view on the HardTalk programme here:



More detail and the original source:



Finally original source: (note I retain the above link because there are some links included that substantiate points.)


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And before I get flamed for my last post, I would like to point out that I do not have any concrete evidence to back that up - it is just my opinion. But the fact that Iran and Venezuela have stopped accepting US dollars in payment for their oil is widely known.




and one the last people to threaten to do that was saddam hussien.. look what happened to him

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