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Central database for all medical notes

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The lack of communication between hospitals, GPS, labs etc and the outmoded, inefficient ways they have of doing things need to change!


I'm fed up of having problems with appointments, prescriptions etc because someone lost a crap of paper somewhere along the ridiculous chain. I'm also fed up of having to try and remember dates of when things happened to recount them to the GP for example, because those notes are in a ratty paper file in consultant's scrawl somewhere at the hospital! The GP should have instant access to reliable and accurate information.


If I'm taken to hospital in an emergency, I would like to know the people treating me are actually able to see my whole history without any delay too!


The whole system needs to be completely brought bang up to date.


In this day and age where I can access my bank account online in the middle of the night and instantly transfer money to another party securely, we should be able to sort something out!

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so we now have insurance companies being able to (in your words)access these records, this is what i am talking about we have now gone from these records being used by only the medical proffesionals to insurances companies .what next police ,councilworkers,teachers etc ?


No we don't. - Those are your words, not mine. Though I suspect they would like to.

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The whole things a total disgrace.


Firstly, such a thing should be a opt-in process i.e. those who want it should give their permission.


The reality is that it's opt-out i.e. everyone is automatically enrolled unless they object.


I know several people who've not even received letters informing them of the fact they're going to have their medical records uploaded to this database despite the fact that they know nothing about it and are thus unable to withhold permission


Secondly, the letter sent out contains no opt-out form- you have to go on the internet to print one off.


Why has this been made opt-out and why have there been deliberate obstacles placed to make opting out more difficult? I can only conclude that it's cos those trying to set up this database know full well that a significant portion of the population, when presented with a genuine choice, would be wish to go on that database.


It's dishonest.


I opted out a while ago. Just get the form fill it in and hand it in to your GP surgery.


I also opted out when the first letters arrived,although I suspect I will still go on the database,or will we be able to check?

I think we may end up with lazy doctors who just go by the records and not diagnose or do a proper examination.It may well be useful after a diagnose has been reached to see what medication is already being taken.

I don't understand the last paragraph of the above post,are you for or against?

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