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England flag nicked

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To the Ignorant <removed> who nicked my england flag from my balcony last night hope u rot and youre happy now youve ripped it off , its been there all week not hurting or interfering with anyone hope u strangle yourself with it


Are you really that upset about it? It's only a flag! Sure, it was stolen from you, but blimey, calm down!

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Are you really that upset about it? It's only a flag! Sure, it was stolen from you, but blimey, calm down!


You're quite right. I think we should all get together to try to work out a monetary value below which we'll not bother about people nicking stuff and above which we'll be allowed to get upset. I'll suggest £5. Oh and we'll no longer consider the principle at stake when someone decides that they have just as much right to something you bought as you do.

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Guest sibon
Maybe it upset some middle class/leftist person who thought it might offend some minority ethnic group who really don't give a damn about you flying your own flag in your own Country? Its a thought.


Or, just possibly, someone had a few too many and nicked it for a laugh. Which of the two possibilities do you consider to be the most likely


Its a thought.

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Maybe it upset some middle class/leftist person who thought it might offend some minority ethnic group who really don't give a damn about you flying your own flag in your own Country? Its a thought.


It's a troll :roll:

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Maybe it upset some middle class/leftist person who thought it might offend some minority ethnic group who really don't give a damn about you flying your own flag in your own Country? Its a thought.


I think we can safely say that ethnic groups are not offended by flags being flown but some people will believe anything :rolleyes:

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