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How do you stop your child from smoking?

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He is 12 tell him it is against the law to smoke before 16. I know this never stops people but tell him you don't mind him smoking when he is 16 and not 12. He is a child. Kids are too quick to grow up and try and be grown ups before they are ready.


You was havin me settin fires on the front garden younger than 12 lol, kettle callin teapot lol


I started smoking properly about 11 stopped a few times over the years but from 14 onwards carried on smoking and still do now, i got all the telling off when i was caught out at about 13 by my tan telling me to stop and all the bad stuff that can happen but i still carried on, my grandad always said if he caught me he would make me smoke a full pack of fags then eat a pack lol then wash my mouth out with soap i belive it was, i think maybe if he actually did that i might have been scared to smoke but he is actually soft deep down lol so i never really got harsh punishments or anything i was just not aloud to smoke in front of him till i was old enough yet i did to be a little **** just walk in with a fag every now and again but i was young and at that age lol.


I think you should tell him your not happy with what he doing but your not gonna force him to stop, but you are gonna stop giving him money so that he can buy anything, if he needs anything tell him you'll get it for him and if he needs money for school dinner ect send him in with a pack lunch give him no reason to need money in cash other than for cigerettes if he don't like it tell him if he thinks he's grown up enough to smoke, he's grown up enough to make/earn his own money to buy them which these days arent really possible lol.


Thats what id do lol

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I've never seen a box of 200. :)


Even if there was, I might draw the line at forcing a 12 year old to smoke 200.




Or even one. ;)


yeah gotta agree as all it would do is make them physicly ill and fuel the addiction to nicotine even more.

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yeah gotta agree as all it would do is make them physicly ill and fuel the addiction to nicotine even more.


My goodness we agree on summat? I'm sure I recollect arguing with you. :hihi:


My earlier post, I honestly think is the best solution. Say it as it is. As much as trying to wrap in cotton wool seems like the best option, it is often not. At 12 years old, it's a vulnerable time for peer influence [not a bad thing btw, life skills and learning about self etc all happens at around this age]. Saying something is wrong and don't do it, is almost pointless, I think.


I know what it is like to be 12 as I've been there, obviously, but moreover, that's when I first started writing stuff. Reading it recently as part of a project I'm undertaking, has given me a huge amount of information. I thought I was an adult, but I thought and wrote like a child (much like now really :hihi:). Everything seems to be defying everything that I was being taught, as I thought I was right [actually that's also still true :hihi:]. I think if you talk to a 12 year old as a mature person [regardless of your knowledge that this isn't true], then they will take it on board more. I think anyway. :)

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My goodness we agree on summat? I'm sure I recollect arguing with you. :hihi:


My earlier post, I honestly think is the best solution. Say it as it is. As much as trying to wrap in cotton wool seems like the best option, it is often not. At 12 years old, it's a vulnerable time for peer influence [not a bad thing btw, life skills and learning about self etc all happens at around this age]. Saying something is wrong and don't do it, is almost pointless, I think.


I know what it is like to be 12 as I've been there, obviously, but moreover, that's when I first started writing stuff. Reading it recently as part of a project I'm undertaking, has given me a huge amount of information. I thought I was an adult, but I thought and wrote like a child (much like now really :hihi:). Everything seems to be defying everything that I was being taught, as I thought I was right [actually that's also still true :hihi:]. I think if you talk to a 12 year old as a mature person [regardless of your knowledge that this isn't true], then they will take it on board more. I think anyway. :)

first time for everything lol, to be honest if i agree/disagree with someone i say so theres way to many lap dogs in this country with out me becoming one (and im way to gobby for that lol :D) but would never set out to disagree with everything someone said just because of a different topic.


i do think telling a child they can't do something is going to make them do it just because they have been told otherwise, someone further back on this thread said about spraying air freshner and buying him body sprays and gum to enforce that he will stink which i thought was a good idea as its not preaching but is enough to get the mind thinking, same with pointing out just how much money he will be burning away that could go towards saving for a car/holiday/computer? (no idea what 12 year old boys are into).

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first time for everything lol, to be honest if i agree/disagree with someone i say so theres way to many lap dogs in this country with out me becoming one (and im way to gobby for that lol :D) but would never set out to disagree with everything someone said just because of a different topic.

Well ... gobby :hihi: I'll add some more ... ;)

i do think telling a child they can't do something is going to make them do it just because they have been told otherwise,

I don't necessarily think telling them not to do something will make them do it.


e.g. 'don't eat dog s**ts'; 'don't jump off cliffs' etc etc

someone further back on this thread said about spraying air freshner and buying him body sprays and gum to enforce that he will stink which i thought was a good idea as its not preaching but is enough to get the mind thinking,

I dunno. I hated the smell of ciggy smoke as a child, but I still smoked for 20 years.


Also, how many 12 year olds care about how they smell? :hihi:

same with pointing out just how much money he will be burning away that could go towards saving for a car/holiday/computer? (no idea what 12 year old boys are into).

I'm not sure how much a 12 year old has with regards to the value of money, to be fair.


And additionally, addictions disregard the value of money.

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