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How do you stop your child from smoking?

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Get a water tight jar. Put some water inside and a handful of fag ends. Shake it up and leave for a day. Then make the child take a big whiff of it and tell them that's how they will smell to everyone if they smoke, but they will not notice as smoking makes you lose your sense of smell and taste.

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i personally told both my lads if i ever found out they had started smoking id hammer them and chuck em out on the street..niether of them have smoked, but thank fully niether of them succum to peer pressure easily and have minds of their own.

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Thing is your son wants to be hot. Smoking is hot literally tell him I recommend Benson and Hedges.


Your the adult knock some sense into him, it shouldn't be hard to do if you really want to. Although you may only read this if you really want to find it.

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i started smoking at 13 (through my own choice not peer presure) and been told i couldnt seemed to make me want to even more, there wasn't the images and warnings every where like there is now though!

i gave up last september with no patches gum pills or any other devices they now have out i just decided i was missing out on thing due to the money side of it, i was smoking 20 a day costing about £5.20 a day now of course i knew this was adding up to a fair bit but it only hit home when i started doing the maths.


20 a day for 7 days = £36.40

1 month = £145.60

1 year = £1892.80

10 years = £18928

and it was this that brought me to giving up, also when you visit the stop smoking lady at the doctors they will do a co2 test which can also be pretty shocking and make it hit home, maybe try influencing how it could effect his finances when his older, put a travel brochure on his bed with a 2 grand holiday circled when he questions it tell him that the average smoking cost for one year! or pics of games consoles, cars motor bikes etc as lets face it you ban a child from doing something then 99% of them are going to want to do it even more!

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I tried smoking a couple of times when i was younger, did a lot of other stuff to but it never had an effect on me no highs lows or anything, "probably something wrong with me" the only thing i'm addicted to is adrenalin i'm a adventure sports nut, i take my health very seriously otherwise i wouldn't be able to risk my life at regular intervals.

Your son maybe the same he may have got nothing from it and never do it again.

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falpere, can i ask if you smoke, i know theres a lot of peer pressure on kids these days but its always easier for a child to give in to peer pressure when there parents smoke, because they see it all the time and think cus there parents do it then its ok for them, if you dont smoke then i wouldnt say leave literature about smoking about, what i would do is make sure they dont get the cash to buy them and also make smoking rules round the house like no go areas, theres always the worse case senario that its not just tobbacco they are smoking and one thing could but will lead to other things which does happen.also does he socialise with children older than himself?


Hi rich 5315. No I don't smoke, nor does my wife, I undrestand what you are saying though. I see it all the time, kids cooped up in a car while both their parents are puffing away like chimneys. Their kids might as well smoke!


Like most kids of his age, my Son has a large group of friends some older some younger.

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Buy him some mouth wash and deodorant and make it clear that he should use them regularly. Plus, make a point of constantly washing his favourite clothes. Don't try and stop him smoking, use guile and cunning to reinforce how anti-social it is. If he comes in to watch TV with you insist that he changes his clothes, etc.

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Peer pressure is something only weaker personalities buckle under from... It might be a bit late if your 12 year old is a bit 'meek' but if you have any younger kids, make sure that they get to make their own choices, and discuss why you do the things you do, it all helps them develop their own ideas, and when they have the capacity to think for themselves, they don't need their mates' ideas... It doesn't mean that they won't sometimes feel that a mates idea has value to it, but kids should be able to choose things for themselves and be able to back it with their mates, not be so weak willed that they need to follow the crowd... Not everyone can be a leader, it's true - but you don't have to be a sheep...


If your kid is under a lot of pressure in their own life, fags can seem tempting as they do relax you initially - it's just that this is something that eventually wears off... Talk to them about things that are worrying them - you might be suprised... Maybe take them to the doctors too - get them checked over and on a stop smoking plan...


You make some good points Lady Star. Thank you.


My Son is a very popular lad and quite spirited. Your point about following the crowd has given me concern as to him being the one egging on his peers. If this is the case I feel even more responsibility to kerb this problem.

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