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How do you stop your child from smoking?

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Your maths were a good reason to quit carly', let alone the risks to your health.


May I ask why you started in the first place? It wasn't due to peer pressure, was it due to beeing told you can't by your parents, or by the powers that be saying that you could not smoke until the age of 16?


I wuold be interested to know your reasons for starting. :)


i really don't know to tell the truth, its a tricky one, my dad doesnt smoke and never has and apparently his wife didn't either till i spotted a pack sticking out of her works jacket pocket!


well there was a lot going on in my life at that time with abusive partners of my mums and my mother her self being a nightmare, and to make it worse i was suffering really badly with depression and couldn't understand what was happening to me.


so pinched the pack from step mothers pocket then tried one the next morning whilst alone just saw it as a outlet i suppose. i'm the type of person that did not respond well to having orders barked at me but did take a lot in when spoken to like a young adult rather than a child, when my dad found out i had already been smoking nearly a year and the dissapointment and hurt look on his face was enough to bring me to tears but by then i was to addicted to them to just quit.


if i could go back and change that split second decision to start i would, i dont think the health side comes into that much at such a young age as ignorance brings the impression of being invinsable and the it wont happen to me attitude.

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20 capstan full strength(do they still make them) sit him/her down and make them smoke everyone one after the other by they time they get to 9 or 10 they will not want to see another cigarette ever.never mind smoke one


my dad tried this i smoked the full packet which left him out of pocket and me still smoking, although it were B&H he bought. not heard of capstan before

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my dad tried this i smoked the full packet which left him out of pocket and me still smoking, although it were B&H he bought. not heard of capstan before

Believe me you wouldn't do it with cfs,one after the other I doubt you would get anywhere near ten ,one used to make my head spin

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Believe me you wouldn't do it with cfs,one after the other I doubt you would get anywhere near ten ,one used to make my head spin


how long ago were they from? as genuinly never heard of them


my dad used to say if i ever catch you smoking i'll sit you down and make you smoke 200, i can only asume he couldnt afford that many back then so settled for 20 lol

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My dad gave me the CFS treatment. - It didn't work (though it did make me pretty ill.) Back then there were brands (CFS, Players were the two very obvious ones) which contained enough Nicotine to constitute a fatal dose if a kid smoked the whole pack.


Back to the subject:


My son gave me a hard time about smoking when he was aged between about 10 and 14. I never smoked in the house, but he was annoyed that I smoked at all. "At least" - I thought - "He'll never smoke."


Wrong. He did (though I suspect that the tobacco was more often used to convey 'additives'.) He smoked for a few years and then he quit. I don't think I could have done anything which would have made him stop smoking. (I could've done a few things which might've made him stop talking to me.)


If you're children have started smoking, then as others have suggested:


1. Talk to them about it - on equal terms, if you can.

2. Tell them you will not allow them to smoke in the house (and that you would prefer that they never smoked in your presence elsewhere.)


Then hope they will decide to stop on their own.

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i really don't know to tell the truth, its a tricky one, my dad doesnt smoke and never has and apparently his wife didn't either till i spotted a pack sticking out of her works jacket pocket!


well there was a lot going on in my life at that time with abusive partners of my mums and my mother her self being a nightmare, and to make it worse i was suffering really badly with depression and couldn't understand what was happening to me.


so pinched the pack from step mothers pocket then tried one the next morning whilst alone just saw it as a outlet i suppose. i'm the type of person that did not respond well to having orders barked at me but did take a lot in when spoken to like a young adult rather than a child, when my dad found out i had already been smoking nearly a year and the dissapointment and hurt look on his face was enough to bring me to tears but by then i was to addicted to them to just quit.


if i could go back and change that split second decision to start i would, i dont think the health side comes into that much at such a young age as ignorance brings the impression of being invinsable and the it wont happen to me attitude.


I admire your honesty, and the great insight that you have given to me and other parents that are in the same boat. Many thanks for that carly. :thumbsup:

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If the effects are so bad, why does the government not ban them and relieve the drain on our health care and stop the worry of pain in the butt parents like me?


For two main reasons:


1) Banning anything makes it more enticing to those who like doing 'naughty' things for the thrill, so is usually counterproductive, and


2) The tax paid by all of the smokers who have yet to quit makes up really quite a huge amount, which would all be lost to the state if tobacco was banned.


Banning didn't work for heroin, marajuana or cocaine, so why would it work for tobacco?

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You make some good points Lady Star. Thank you.


My Son is a very popular lad and quite spirited. Your point about following the crowd has given me concern as to him being the one egging on his peers. If this is the case I feel even more responsibility to kerb this problem.


If he is the ring leader, I'd be less worried - You might get a few unwelcome words from his mates parents, but ring leaders tend to move onto other interests faster and drop what they see as a bit old hat...

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My dad gave me the CFS treatment. - It didn't work (though it did make me pretty ill.) Back then there were brands (CFS, Players were the two very obvious ones) which contained enough Nicotine to constitute a fatal dose if a kid smoked the whole pack.


Back to the subject:


My son gave me a hard time about smoking when he was aged between about 10 and 14. I never smoked in the house, but he was annoyed that I smoked at all. "At least" - I thought - "He'll never smoke."


Wrong. He did (though I suspect that the tobacco was more often used to convey 'additives'.) He smoked for a few years and then he quit. I don't think I could have done anything which would have made him stop smoking. (I could've done a few things which might've made him stop talking to me.)


If you're children have started smoking, then as others have suggested:


1. Talk to them about it - on equal terms, if you can.

2. Tell them you will not allow them to smoke in the house (and that you would prefer that they never smoked in your presence elsewhere.)


Then hope they will decide to stop on their own.


We live in hope Rupert_Baehr. But they are adictive as pointed out by carly!


Maybe they should be banned altogether by the folks that claim to watch over us. Lets face it they are pretty useless for anything other than killing us! What do you think?

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We live in hope Rupert_Baehr. But they are adictive as pointed out by carly!


Maybe they should be banned altogether by the folks that claim to watch over us. Lets face it they are pretty useless for anything other than killing us! What do you think?


specialy the pre-made chemical filled ones as apose to rolling tabacco, as its the chemicals that play the large part in way of an addiction

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