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How do you stop your child from smoking?

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If he is the ring leader, I'd be less worried - You might get a few unwelcome words from his mates parents, but ring leaders tend to move onto other interests faster and drop what they see as a bit old hat...


Depends on what the new interests are you agree.

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For two main reasons:


1) Banning anything makes it more enticing to those who like doing 'naughty' things for the thrill, so is usually counterproductive, and


2) The tax paid by all of the smokers who have yet to quit makes up really quite a huge amount, which would all be lost to the state if tobacco was banned.


Banning didn't work for heroin, marajuana or cocaine, so why would it work for tobacco?


For one main reason. Forget reason 1.


Reason 2. Nail on head.


"Banning didn't work for heroin, marajuana or cocaine, so why would it work for tobacco?"


Becuase it is not enforced in the same way that banning the production of nuclear warheads in a rogue State is. Silly example? maybe,maybe not, but I think you get the gist.

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Back on topic.


When I was a kid (not a good one by any means, probably mixed company with you!!), The dangers of smoking were not made as clear as they are now.


Nowadays the dangers of smoking are plastered all over the place. Fag packets show awefull images.


If the effects are so bad, why does the government not ban them and relieve the drain on our health care and stop the worry of pain in the butt parents like me?

Cost to NHS about 3 bill. Money generated about 10 bill. I'll look for accurate figures if you don't believe me.

When I was a kid (not a good one by any means, probably mixed company with you!!), The dangers of smoking were not made as clear as they are now.


Nowadays the dangers of smoking are plastered all over the place. Fag packets show awefull images.

And less people smoke nowadays, so that tallies.

20 capstan full strength(do they still make them) sit him/her down and make them smoke everyone one after the other by they time they get to 9 or 10 they will not want to see another cigarette ever.never mind smoke one

9 or 10? I stopped last year for 3 months, and 2 or 3 normal cigs made me sick :hihi:, when I forced myself to smoke them [in a moment of stupidity].

We live in hope Rupert_Baehr. But they are adictive as pointed out by carly!


Maybe they should be banned altogether by the folks that claim to watch over us. Lets face it they are pretty useless for anything other than killing us! What do you think?

I think, that you live in cloud cuckoo land tbh. I don't think that you are a genuine poster given what I read on the other thread as well as this one. Though, I could be wrong, and hope so, otherwise, waste of time posting and giving our opinions. ;)

For one main reason. Forget reason 1.


Reason 2. Nail on head.


"Banning didn't work for heroin, marajuana or cocaine, so why would it work for tobacco?"


Becuase it is not enforced in the same way that banning the production of nuclear warheads in a rogue State is. Silly example? maybe,maybe not, but I think you get the gist.



I'm not sure what you mean here.


But banning ciggys would be the worst thing that the government could do, with regards to sorting out the 'problem'. It almost certainly would stop quite a large number of people smoking, but would also create a huge amount of crime, like marij, heroin, alcohol etc has already proved in the past and present.

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specialy the pre-made chemical filled ones as apose to rolling tabacco, as its the chemicals that play the large part in way of an addiction


I'm not aware of any scientific basis behind this urban myth. Are you?

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Want advice more than anything. Having a bit of a raw deal at the mo' with my kids. Was warned by my parents about how they turn into strangers when they reach adolescence, but this is hitting me like a tonne of bricks!


My twelve year old came home this evening with his breath stinking like an ash tray.


I didn't make it an issue of it (learned from advice from another thread).


Anyone who has had similar dealings, and managed to sort the problem out with minimum hassle, please advise.





Next thing you know he will be working in a shop calling people pal & mate:o

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My parents grounded me for a month in my bedroom when they found out, and made me eat a cigar well tried to make me.


I still smoked regardless and still do, maybe if they had not of made such a big deal I would of quit but I always rebelled.


I have said if any of mine smoke I will say fair enough but they will get their £10 pocket a week and once they have spent it on fags they wont get owt else for going out with friends ect.


I pay for my own fags and so will they if they wanna smoke.

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I started smoking circa 1961 because it was perceived as being cool to do so. Most pop/film stars smoked in those days, I recall Frank Sinatra lighting up whilst on stage at the Festival Hall.


These days smoking is so inconvenient and frowned on that it must be a lot easier not to start in the first place. That's unless you like standing outside pubs, restaurants, offices and shops in the cold, wind and wet.


Unfortunately in most cases, it is folk who have never smoked who give out most of the advice. I smoked from around age 14 until 8 weeks ago, I have just retired (I will be 63 at the end of this month) and didn't want to go to my grave as a smoker. If I can do it anyone can do it, If this forum wishes to start a 'Quit Smoking' section I would be delighted to contribute to it.



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When i was younger i smoked for a while, just due to the fact everyone in the group did. I did this between the ages of 13 - 14 yrs even though i never really liked it. It wasnt so much peer pressure but just me feeling like i wanted to fit in no one pressured me to do it. I think no matter how much you ground him or other methods he will carry on until hopefully he grows up and realises......live and learn!

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Ask them if *they* really want to start smoking, is it something *they* want to do. If they answer yes, force them to chain smoke 100; then ask how they're enjoying their new habit so far?


A. You're questioning them directly, by asking what *they* really want (probably, being young, they don't know what they want, they just go along with everyone else).


B. You're overloading their system with the stuff, to the point of making them ill, which will help build a negative association with the drug, and give them a biological aversion to the stuff.

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