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Sheffield skinheads in the 80s


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went in castle market today,1st time in years had scary memories of hangin round k n d.dunt seem same with the hoodies hangin there!smack rats everywhere n all.evo n butane long 4gotten.stick to the legal kind nowadays tho but the side effects of booze certainly show on the belly!should have a skins reunited day startin showboat and endin up pi**ed in a motorbike shop!(marples)that would be amusing

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  • 4 weeks later...
8) Nah Den Ace.......


Yeah, I remember the skins hanging about on the balcony on Flat Street. One of the top skins was a half-caste kid who went by the name of "Adolf"! I don't know that he had the intelligence to realise the irony of his pseudonym!






yea i know adolf really well he hanged out with other punkz n 5kin headz n my uncle :loopy: people

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  • 2 weeks later...
Anybody remember the original Skinheads from 1968 to 1971? And the Skinbirds with short hair on top and sides and strangle cut at the back…Levi Jeans…Fred Perry t-shirts….monkey boots….


YES WE WERE ALL THERE, We couldnt get a drink in the town centre so we all used to trot off down Attercliff to the BRITISH OAK and the BROUGHTON ARMS .We also frequented the Disco upstairs at the ICE RINK and the CRYSTAL ROOM in town.The best lads from all over Sheffield always made their way to town.I lived on the PARKHILL FLATS so the town centre was our playground from an early age we got up to all sorts most of it just high spirits and mischief but sometimes had its darker side one or two of us got locked away at the time I had friends from all over the city and Saturday Football was very important part of the skinhead culture,the battles at the wopentek after the game were good memories and we thought we had enemies but to be honest I can recall them all with fond memories,Eskimo,Bootlab, Elvo to name a few they were in the Pond Street Mob and used to be regular at the Wap,some of the lads I grew with were COLIN WALTERS FRIDAY ALIAS CARL STEVENS, EVERTON, BARRINGTON,FRANK MONTIGUE,DAZ,CHESTER,BILLY,ANDY ROY LOADS OF MY MATES OFF THE PARK because we also played football in the under 18 LEAGUE for the Manor Castle until some of us started getting nicked for doing what SKINS were supposed to do in those daysThen It was getting a bit to much for a lot of the lads and some even managed to grow up some of us took a lot longer and some of us never ever managed it.I will always look back with great reguard for the people who I met In those days and If I was honest there wasnt much I regret,SO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES AND REMEMBER ONCE A SKINHEAD ALWAYS A SKINHEAD

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  • 8 months later...

Hi Miss Skin, - You brought back a few old memory's with the list of names


Webbo here (Showboat 1979 -1985), Great memory's great times, still going to see Bad Manners, The Beat and any other Ska band that is playing locally, still got shaved hair and Doc Martins but wear them with a suit now.

I went on to be an IT Analyst so for all those people who think we were all just racist no brain lunatics please accept the two fingered salute, i had lots of Indian, West Indian friends etc as i also went to the Bow Centre to Jam upstairs with Wesley etc.

Too many people try and put people into Box's, the people i knew hung around the various haunts in Sheffield until of pub age because they had no where else to go, we did get into fights but 99 times out of a 100 it was other people who caused the trouble with us.

The Marples was my drinking hole and sometimes the Wicker before all the pubs where closed, i also remember trying to sneak into the Limit in 1978 to see the Specials before they got famous.

Still see a few of the old crew in passing, i work with Adz, i see Adolf, Kenty, Swabs, Ange frequently sometimes i see some of the others at gigs, Bad Manners at the corporation 14th Dec 2007 if any of you old Showboat, Pondstreet, Gallery or Hole in the Road Guys are still up for it it's a great night.

Hope to see some of you there sweating and wheezing with me.

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Hi, have seen Reesh on here, (Ryszard) if anyone knows him, was it the one whose surname begins with S? Also, you all speak about 'Coley'...this wouldn't be Graham Coley would it who lived at Wharncliffe side near oughtibridge?Had a sister called Anita?

These names have stirred my memory, so please let me know!

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