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Sheffield skinheads in the 80s


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:) does that mean u'r ridiculous looking, low intellect, cowardly, obnoxious & turd like them [&me] 2. from some of your other posts i see u'r in asia. now our ole fella ad a bit o bovver wi't japs in 't 40s, so on your logic i should ignore the geneva convention,behead any 1 that surrenders,starve them /work them-to death, cos they'r all the same.please explain your reason for such a presumptious post to some 1 elses thread, [who on reading my rambling remeniscing[not sure how 2 spell that must be the haircut]was really nice & did'nt tell me 2 f*** off for tellin't tale on what is clearly 80s skins & not for ole boys like me. were you badly hurt by a skinhead? did you marry 1? was-is your mum 1?.wots yer prob?.
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Oh dear, please excuse me for finding neo-Nazi thuggish subcultures distasteful, how terribly old fashioned of me.

I find your analogy with the Japanese quite ludicrous, of course the atrocites commited in the second world war were horrific. But people tend to be Japanese by birth rather than choice, unlike the Bovver Boys

Yes I did get attacked once - for the horrific crime of having long hair.

They seemed to think 8 to one was fair game

I will take your word that they were not all violent, but the one's I met (usually waiting outside the City Hall after music concerts) were hardly full of bonhomie.

I will also admit to being involved in one or two football fracas, although in my day it was handbags at ten paces:)

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The Skinheads were a ridiculous looking, low intellect, cowardly, obnoxious bunch of turds

Now now mr. blue owl, you can't tar us all with the same brush, we were not all the same ;)

I detect a lot of hatred in your words, would that be because somebody with a skinhead haircut once hurt you? Is it still eating you up inside? :( maybe you should see a counsellor, they work wonders!

PS. my intellect is well above average, i look damn fine, i'm very couragious, and in no way obnoxious, and as for being a racist-i wouldn't dream of it!

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Oh dear, please excuse me for finding neo-Nazi thuggish subcultures distasteful, how terribly old fashioned of me.


i think you should stop now before you dig yourself deeper into that generalising hole you seem to have dug.


have you heard about SHARP skinheads?, "SkinHeads Against Racial Prejidice"?

youve heard the oppressed? one of the most antifascist of skinhead bands? or the angelic upstarts? didnt think so.

of course you knew that the original skins were into reggae and ska tho, right?


yeah some are nazis, but then some members of the community at large are into the bnp etc

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i think you should stop now before you dig yourself deeper into that generalising hole you seem to have dug.


have you heard about SHARP skinheads?, "SkinHeads Against Racial Prejidice"?

youve heard the oppressed? one of the most antifascist of skinhead bands? or the angelic upstarts? didnt think so.

of course you knew that the original skins were into reggae and ska tho, right?


yeah some are nazis, but then some members of the community at large are into the bnp etc

Well said Mel :thumbsup: here here

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Originally Posted by mr_blue_owl

Oh dear, please excuse me for finding neo-Nazi thuggish subcultures distasteful, how terribly old fashioned of me.

if you read my earlier post you'll see that i had no ties to neo-Nazi thuggish subcultures or nazi anythings. i seem to think this is a fairly modern thing & is currently happening in germany[again].as to the jap thing,it was meant to be tongue in cheek.you'r quite correct japanese people are born japanese & do'nt choose [whatever] but whatever you'r born i believe you have a choice in your actions.i'm sorry you were beaten up,it certainly was'nt by me or my m8s.may i ask why you had long hair at the time.could it be anything to do with fashion perhaps?.

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