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Music & general knowledge quiz....


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The Horse & Jockey on Wadsley lane now has a music quiz on Tuesday nights and a general knowledge quiz and "play your cards right" on Thursday evenings.


Both start at 9.45pm.


These events are hosted by "Mad Muzz" and everyone generally has a laugh....some stiff competition on the quiz nights though !


Tonights jackpot on the play your cards right is £90 - come on people, someone has to win it soon or it will be used as a deposit on my new bike :D


The pub is very friendly and the owners Ross & Jackie are two of the most laid back people you could wish to find running a pub.


Very bike friendly with a bike meet on Wednesday nights, and rock nights hosted by Buffy of Classic Rock Bar fame (soon to become a regular thing)


So come on folks, if you are looking for something to do on any of these evenings, get yourself up there - you wont be dissapointed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thursday is the general knowledge quiz and play your cards right - the jackpot for this is now at £120.


Starts at 10pm at the latest....sorry to say that I now have to calm myself down when im doing the quiz, as someone made a complaint that im "offensive"


Me, offensive...never :D


Some one said to me after I told them about the complaint "sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but the highest form of humour"


That must make me Jack Dee then !


Hope to see a few of you there.....

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  • 1 month later...

Well, now the tuesday night music quiz is cancelled through lack of interest - only FOUR people wanted to do it last night !


SO....now the thursday general knowledge quiz will be combined with the music quiz.


10 music questions, 10 general knowledge and 5 random subjects.


Also, the usual play your cards right as well.


This will start at 9.45 so please be there before then to make sure you get your entry in.


Every 2 weeks there will be a prize raffle as well - the next one is for a brand new, in the box dvd player.


Come on folks, get yourselves down, you never know, you might just win something....and keep me in a job :D

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From town to sheff wednesday ground, go up penistone road,just before the football ground turn left onto parkside road.


At the lights, turn left and go up to the set of lights at the end.


Go straight across and past "the park" pub - follow this road and the horse and jockey is on your right hand side directly opposite the junction of dykes hall road & laird road...

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