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Are we turning into a nation of hysterical, paranoid people?

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hopefully this new lot will get it right then :huh:


Indeed, i like the noises that the coalition government are making on this issue actualy. The ID card system has bitten the dust for a start-not just because we can't afford it but because the Tories and the LibDems were always against it anyway. We'l probably see a freeze on CCTV cameras and the use of existing ones will be much more strictly regulated.



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...I remember about 6 months ago Telford Council were under fire by the press for requesting that their park wardens stop and interrrogate single men who were not accompanied by children. The council said it was doing so to safeguard children.

Now normally I take these kinds of stories with a pinch of salt. They are usually invented by some scabby right wing rag up to cause controversy and provoke a reaction against a supposed 'nanny state'.

However I also seem to recall that one of the council officilals was on television defending their decision, so I guess it might be true...


I remember that story. (It's amazing how time flies though -Sept 2008.)


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It is largely down to the 13 years of nanny state/big brother New Labour, and its obsession with surveillence, and the legions of high vis jacketed busy bodies throwing their weight around.


Tosh, it's down to the saturation coverage of any scare story by the right wing press.

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I was in the same situation as you BF when my dog died but I decided to still carry on walking and let people think what they want.


We should set up a club Kidorry- "The Blokes Dead Dog Walking Society"! :)

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Why not.I have done dafter things.:hihi:


Were you arrested? ;)


But seriously, I wonder how many lone males have been stopped by the police and questioned about their activities because of an erroneous report by another member of the public?

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