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The 2010 Emergency Budget thread

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A pay rise at half the national average is good in what sense?


Last year national payrises in the private sector ran at 2%. In the public sector 1%. This is the same 1% but only for those on below average incomes.


Excuse me if I don't splash out on the champagne to celebrate my real terms pay cut. :rolleyes:


Yeah, make sure that cork doesn't pop out too quickly!

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i'm in the process of starting a business up i've been applying for jobs left right and center, and decided i'm going to become self employed get off job seekers allowance and earn my own wage, one of the things i spoke to a jobs coach about was self employment credits where you receive 50 pounds a week for 16 weeks helping you get up and running.


what has the budget done to this, is it still available has it been replaced?


i will still be going self employed regardless but self employment credits would of really helped


doe's anyone konw

thanks spike

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i'm in the process of starting a business up i've been applying for jobs left right and center, and decided i'm going to become self employed get off job seekers allowance and earn my own wage, one of the things i spoke to a jobs coach about was self employment credits where you receive 50 pounds a week for 16 weeks helping you get up and running.


what has the budget done to this, is it still available has it been replaced?


i will still be going self employed regardless but self employment credits would of really helped


doe's anyone konw

thanks spike


I haven't read anything about them being cut.

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i'm in the process of starting a business up i've been applying for jobs left right and center, and decided i'm going to become self employed get off job seekers allowance and earn my own wage, one of the things i spoke to a jobs coach about was self employment credits where you receive 50 pounds a week for 16 weeks helping you get up and running.


what has the budget done to this, is it still available has it been replaced?


i will still be going self employed regardless but self employment credits would of really helped


doe's anyone konw

thanks spike


Move fast!


If department of employment is having to cut by 25% it won't be available much longer - if it ever was.

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There seems to be an assumption that the wealthy have become so because of hard work and diligence and are therefore deserving of more than the lion's share of income, and be able to spend it as they wish.


Hard work has nothing to do with it.


Many many people work extremely hard and end up with very little to show for it. What they don't have is influence, friends in the right places, the right family background, The right old school tie, introductions to the people who matter, expert help and a leg up.


Why else would 20 members of the cabinet be old Etonians.


Hard work has everything to do with it, well it has in my case. Don't get me wrong, being aged 63 in eight days time, now retired, I wouldn't want to be 40 ish with kids and a mortgage during this recession. But I've been there before, when things were tight I tightened my belt, when things were good I put money away for the inevitable rainy day.


When I was a kid living in a council house, a product of a failed marriage, I never imagined that I would have what I have now. I wasn't given anything, I worked for it, I took chances and sometimes lost, but at the end of the day I suppose that I'm just lucky. :huh:

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I had no intention of besmirching all your hard work Crookesey, Good on yer. And others like you. Well done


But the fact remains the majority of people in power lording it over us have never done a day's hard work in their lives. And a lot of the seriously wealthy have daddy & friends to thank.


Just a point, I don't know if this applies to you, but our generation enjoyed the priveledge of a Grammar school education and a degree of social mobility because of it.

Alas, no longer available for the younger generation and replaced only by private education.

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One point in this 'budget' is a pay freeze on public sector workers income.


As part of my contract of employment, my post has a yearly increment along a spine, to the top of the pay band.


Does this edict by the Chancellor mean that my contract of employment is to be broken, and the contracted pay rises will not be forthcoming?


If it does, I can foresee serious legal challenges to this edict.

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One point in this 'budget' is a pay freeze on public sector workers income.


As part of my contract of employment, my post has a yearly increment along a spine, to the top of the pay band.


Does this edict by the Chancellor mean that my contract of employment is to be broken, and the contracted pay rises will not be forthcoming?


If it does, I can foresee serious legal challenges to this edict.


You'll get your increment, but you won't get the percentage pay rise that you usually get around April.

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I had no intention of besmirching all your hard work Crookesey, Good on yer. And others like you. Well done


But the fact remains the majority of people in power lording it over us have never done a day's hard work in their lives. And a lot of the seriously wealthy have daddy & friends to thank.


Just a point, I don't know if this applies to you, but our generation enjoyed the priveledge of a Grammar school education and a degree of social mobility because of it.

Alas, no longer available for the younger generation and replaced only by private education.


Oh the joys of cap and gown and ritual beatings, Fred and Rose West could have been teachers at my school. The day that I walked out of the hell hole can only be bettered by walking out of my directorship. I could never understand folk that couldn't do anything other than teach and tell other folk how to run the world, when they never made a tanner to scratch their arse with.


I recall meeting one of my old teachers, he said to me "I never thought that you would make anything out of yourself". I replied "I always knew that you would never make anything out of yourself".


There is an inverted class sysem, where useless jobsworths are classed as being important, not in my book. ;)

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