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The 2010 Emergency Budget thread

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Such was the massive overspending commited to by the previous government


Overspending on what? If you're going to make such sweeping statements you could at least prove you have the slightest idea what you're talking about.

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I just wish there was some accountability built into the system. I don't know how it would be done, beheading might be appropriate perhaps because after all their head can't be much use to them. :D


People went to the Tower for much less and what labour did looks like treason?


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Overspending on what? If you're going to make such sweeping statements you could at least prove you have the slightest idea what you're talking about.


Overspending on what they earned.


If you were to take home £300 a week and you spent £400, would you consider that to be overspending?


It'S pretty much what the last government did.

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Overspending on what? If you're going to make such sweeping statements you could at least prove you have the slightest idea what you're talking about.


Well quite clearly you have been posting without having the slightest idea what you are talking about.


Currently the country owes around £1 trillion. The fiscal deficit is the shortfall between what the government earns from taxation etc and what it spends on public services. The fiscal deficit (overspend) on this year alone is set to be around £160 billion. Each year this deficit adds to the overall debt. We currently pay around 10p in every pound collected in tax just to pay interest on this debt. So if we add 40% to the debt we will be paying 14p in every pound to pay interest without paying back a single penny of what we owe.




In the calendar year 2009 the UK recorded a general government deficit of £159.2 billion, which was equivalent to 11.4 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP).


At the end of December 2009 general government debt was £950.4 billion, equivalent to 68.1 per cent of GDP.





Darling today cut his deficit forecasts for the next five fiscal years by 44 billion pounds ($66 billion) to 567 billion pounds, saying he expects the shortfall to decline from 11.8 percent of gross domestic product to 4 percent by April 2015.

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Well quite clearly you have been posting without having the slightest idea what you are talking about.


Currently the country owes around £1 trillion. The fiscal deficit is the shortfall between what the government earns from taxation etc and what it spends on public services. The fiscal deficit (overspend) on this year alone is set to be around £160 billion. Each year this deficit adds to the overall debt. We currently pay around 10p in every pound collected in tax just to pay interest on this debt. So if we add 40% to the debt we will be paying 14p in every pound to pay interest without paying back a single penny of what we owe.




In the calendar year 2009 the UK recorded a general government deficit of £159.2 billion, which was equivalent to 11.4 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP).


At the end of December 2009 general government debt was £950.4 billion, equivalent to 68.1 per cent of GDP.





Darling today cut his deficit forecasts for the next five fiscal years by 44 billion pounds ($66 billion) to 567 billion pounds, saying he expects the shortfall to decline from 11.8 percent of gross domestic product to 4 percent by April 2015.


And to think that Brown was considered a "safe pair of hands."


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Thats what I was thinking, Gamezone seems intent on wanting mass unrest, and strikes


His/her like has passed it's sell by date, Jack Dromey could never replicate Arthur Scargill. Labour who were only to willing to climb ino bed with the Lib Dems, now pour scorn on them for chosing the Conservatives.


I like the idea of a coalition government, the brilliant Frank Field has joined them in an advisory capacity, he won't be the last Labour free thinker to do the same.

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His/her like has passed it's sell by date, Jack Dromey could never replicate Arthur Scargill. Labour who were only to willing to climb ino bed with the Lib Dems, now pour scorn on them for chosing the Conservatives.


I like the idea of a coalition government, the brilliant Frank Field has joined them in an advisory capacity, he won't be the last Labour free thinker to do the same.


He( Frank Field) was described as the 100th most influential right winger in the country by The Telegraph, I could never understand why he continued to be a member of the Labour Party. He certainly had run ins with Gordon Brown and Harrriet Harman!

Maybe it is because of the 'safe seat' that he holds in Birkenhead

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New labour was not 'left' a mistake you right wingers continually make, anyway i counted over 200 people at the town hall protest yesterday, a good start.


Is everyone who disagrees with you a right winger by the way?


Harman - left, Straw - ultra left, Prescott - mega left, Brown - so left he can't say the word right, Balls - a clone of Brown, Miliband (Ed) - left because his brother is right, Abbott - talkes left, lives right.


Oh yes there was one ultra right winger, but Blair is long gone.

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