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The 2010 Emergency Budget thread

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I am never impressed by people who can't come up with anything better than quotes from the propoganda press. Get real.




The quotation was from the OBR report, Tory propoganda press it may be, but it still refutes your claims.

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The quotation was from the OBR report, Tory propoganda press it may be, but it still refutes your claims.


I think you will find that Left Foot Forward is actually left wing propoganda and nothing to do with the Tories. I prefer to take judgement from more mainstream sources myself.




£1 trillion bill for public sector pensions.


and that was 2006.




Perhaps if you took a break from reading propoganda for a moment or two you would get a glimpse of the real world.

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I think you will find that Left Foot Forward is actually left wing propoganda and nothing to do with the Tories. I prefer to take judgement from more mainstream sources myself.




£1 trillion bill for public sector pensions.


and that was 2006.


Perhaps if you took a break from reading propoganda for a moment or two you would get a glimpse of the real world.


You mean you prefer to take advice from multinational pension companies that far from being objective obviously have a vested interest?


Regardless of what future pension liabilities are they are part of the contract made between employer and employee, deferred pay and as the Tory's own OBR point out affordable.


One thing of interest in the budget is that the Govt has downgraded public sector pensions by breaking the link with RPI including for those already retired, and as the TUC point out quite probably illegally for at least some pension schemes. It will be interesting to see what the Courts say about that aspect of the budget when it goes to Court, they lost a case on a similar principle for the compensation scheme just a few months ago.

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Should public sector workers pay for their own pension schemes just like private sector workers?


The contribution is about 8% of basic salary, that is ontop of NI payments, so where all this codswallop has come from about them being free I do not know.


Well, I do know actually, it is just another barefaced lie told by the shysters trying to run a divide to conquer regime, and you piecans are falling for it.

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That wasn't the question.


Should they pay for their own pension schemes just like private sector workers.


I wouldn't worry about it. According to wildcat in post 298 there is no black hole in public sector pension schemes. So if the government were to announce that no money from the public purse would be used to top the funds up, the folk in those schemes would have nothing to complain about.:hihi::hihi:

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