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The 2010 Emergency Budget thread

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So, the Chief Exec of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank thinks that they should have their Head Office in Hong Kong.


He has a point.


Well it isn't all bluster then is it. The chief exectutive moves to HK and the head office and board of directors go too.


Let's not forget that Alliance and Liecester as well as Abbey were both taken over by Santander and are now run from overseas.

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That will be bad if it also applies to fuel.


I can't see there being an exemption. Fuel duty in one form or other goes up with pretty much every budget doesn't it?


I don't think this one will be any different.

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re. the bank levy/get money back from banks thing.


The people getting big bonuses in banks will continue to get big bonuses.

Shareholders will still be paid.

Cheap/free banking for the average Joe Public may well end .... they have to cover the levy/bonuses/share dividends somehow :(

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Is this government trying to push poor people into poverty? Being a lone parent who gets very little money as it is and struggles to pay my rent and buy food, Now that Child Benefit has been frozen for 3 years i will be suffering poverty without doubt, This could cost me my home as i already have to pay a substantial amount of rent out of the benefits i receive and no i cannot afford to pay a deposit on another property that would be cheaper in rent.


And before anyone starts saying 'get a job' i don't think i'm fit enough to work as i have several health issues.

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My sole contribution to this austerity budget debate is this.


We can carry on as we were doing, or we can cut.


Cutting is never going to be popular. Get over it.


"Business as usual" was the approach Greece took. I think we all know now that that was the wrong choice.

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Can't you get other benefits then?


Hopefully in the future although i wouldn't bank on it, I've heard hundreds of stories about people trying to claim for disability benefits and they turn you down most of the time especially if you look ok on the outside and aren't bedridden or in a wheelchair, Apparently you have to go through numerous appeals and tribunals and a lot of stress and it can take months or sometimes longer than that, a nightmare process which i'm not looking forward to going through.

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