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Should David Cameron apologise?

Should Cameron apologise?  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Cameron apologise?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe

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its a refreshing change to see politician`s speaking in plain english ,and saying it how it is ,rather than spinning everything for their own benefit.


Yep I see what you mean …………… a bit like this :rolleyes:


In campaign leaflets, the Energy Secretary was pictured with his wife and told voters: 'Family matters to me so much - where would we be without them?'


The minister for hypocrisy: Top LibDem who dumped wife of 26years when affair with PR girl was exposed shamelessly played on family values at election
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Cameron said that people using the welfare state facilities, that are bought and paid for by the people, are scroungers.

How can that be?

They are claiming what is theirs by right

Cameron and his poodle Clegg, are about to remove those rights from you, at the same time as throwing you onto needing those same benefits.


Brown did not call anyone a Bigot, he said to his assistant, 'What a bigoted woman'

Which she clearly is, despite her protestations to the contrary.

Her claiming to be a Labour supporter, was an insult to true Labour supporters.

She was blaming the social ills of this country on immigrants, and foreign labour, the stuff of BNP claptrap.

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No he shouldnt apologise...


Nobody should feel the need to apologise for telling the truth and if it upsets the people he was talking about... well.. tough!


Brown shouldnt have apologised to the woman he called a Bigot... he should have showed some balls and stood his ground...


And i dont apologise for saying that the only people more boring than a pub bore are people on forums that have nothing better to do than slag off MP's when they wouldnt have the first clue on how to do the job themselves.


Armchair politicians i believe the label is.


Have a splendid evening all. :D

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No he shouldnt apologise...


Nobody should feel the need to apologise for telling the truth and if it upsets the people he was talking about... well.. tough!


Brown shouldnt have apologised to the woman he called a Bigot... he should have showed some balls and stood his ground...


And i dont apologise for saying that the only people more boring than a pub bore are people on forums that have nothing better to do than slag off MP's when they wouldnt have the first clue on how to do the job themselves.


Armchair politicians i believe the label is.


Have a splendid evening all. :D


Politicians are designed to be slagged off, what other purpose do they serve?

The more self seeking they are, the more deserve slagging off.

This would be a brilliant time for a revival of Spitting Image.


This sanctimonious shower would be ripped up for bog paper.

In less than a month they have proved themselves inept lying toads.

God help us all.

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Thats what i love about you Arty....


Your so upbeat and positive :D


True Sheffielders are miserable and morose misanthropes.

It is what makes us the happy go lucky people we are.

Uncle Mort was the classic.

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So the 'scroungers' are those put out of work because the public purse has been emptied to pay £100s of billions bailing out Cameron's chums in the fiancial establishment, who are enjoying theuir bonuses as we speak? There are major scroungers in that equation alright, but they aren't the unemployed.

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This sanctimonious shower would be ripped up for bog paper.

In less than a month they have proved themselves inept lying toads.

God help us all.


Well said.



I have spent my whole political life fighting to open up politics. So let me make one thing very clear: This government is going to be unlike any other. This government is going to transform our politics so the state has far less control over you, and you have far more control over the state. This government is going to break up concentrations of power and hand power back to people, because that is how we build a society that is fair. This government is going to persuade you to put your faith in politics once again.


Today I want to talk about how we’ll get there. Three major steps, that will begin immediately:


One: we will repeal all of the intrusive and unnecessary laws that inhibit your freedom.

Two: we will reform our politics so it is open, transparent, decent.

Three: we will radically redistribute power away from the centre, into your communities, your homes, your hands




We will hold you to your word Mr Clegg.

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So the 'scroungers' are those put out of work because the public purse has been emptied to pay £100s of billions bailing out Cameron's chums in the fiancial establishment, who are enjoying theuir bonuses as we speak?


Its quite clear the scroungers are those that don't work and won't work, not the genuinely unemployed who are desperate to work and improve their lot in life.


The only way that could be misinterpretted is on purpose, to justify faux indignation that is obviously completely misplaced.


The notion that Cameron was calling everyone who is unemployed a scrounger is laughable.


There are major scroungers in that equation alright, but they aren't the unemployed.


On that we can agree, though the only people suggesting as much are those that need to to justify their false sense of indignance.

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Its quite clear the scroungers are those that don't work and won't work, not the genuinely unemployed who are desperate to work and improve their lot in life.


The only way that could be misinterpretted is on purpose, to justify faux indignation that is obviously completely misplaced.


The notion that Cameron was calling everyone who is unemployed a scrounger is laughable.




On that we can agree, though the only people suggesting as much are those that need to to justify their false sense of indignance.


You don't think he was playing to the gutter press with a cheap populist sound bite then?


I can assure you that my indignation against Cameron and all his slippery slithering creed (eg Blair, Brown, about face Clegg and many, many more) is quite genuine. I'm tired of their propaganda and misinformation, and what makes me feel especially jaded is that there are so many people out their like yourself who lap up their carefully orchestrated performances and sales pitches.

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