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BIG ISSUE boss blasts welfare system!

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how would they live, if they stopped claiming?


what would the claimants do? there are very few things that they could do without starting to force employees out of a job.

I think the Government have already decided to sort the good ones from the bad ones, and actually contributing some form of effort to earn your benefits sounds like a good idea to me.The system that allows thousands to milk the system plainly cannot go on.Most people in the Britain know at least one dodgy person who is getting away with false claims,and just like drivers with no insurance, it loads the system unnecessarily,and spoils it for rightful claimants.As John bird of Big Issue has said the welfare system has become diseased and a cure needs to be found quickly!
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I really approve of working for payment.

I know people who have taken redundancy and then claimed benefits and family allowance and are only £5 per week 'worse off'. They now have family time, no obligations and the taxpayers looks after them.

Administration will be difficult to keep control of unless people are assigned to a particular employee for a set period of time - who claims back from a central pot to pay the individuals.

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what would the claimants do?


I suspect that thanks to our wonderful modern education system and a general lack of exposure to a disciplined environment, many of school leaving age this year are simply unemployable.


Labour MP (and coalition member) Frank Field agrees with me (well not me specifically, but you know what I mean).


On the one level, we have schools who are producing people who are unemployable. In my own constituency, something like half the young people can’t get minimum school-leaving requirements. We are educating them for a life of unemployment. Secondly, we have tried to rectify that by the New Deal, and many of the young people, some clearly want to work, but others, who have no intention of working, know how to run that system.



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There is an environmentaly friendly solution to this problem. All benefit claimants could be made to work a treadmill, driving a small generator connected to the National Grid. This would provide a huge amount of green electricity and contribute to the economy without any effect on existing jobs. A touch of the whip or withdrawal of food would encourage the recalcitrant.


On the other hand, if you believe that the majority of claimants are merely unfortunate, why not fixed-term jobs. We now have a five year fixed-term Parliament, our MP's, Prime Minister, etc., have only a five year tenure. Why not put all employment up-for-grabs after this term and give every one a chance of a job?

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