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2nd Draft of 1st Chapter


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Chapter 1


The first sense to awaken was pain. Rising like the sun it soon filled his entire world,


moving from slight to severe in the time it took for his mind to acknowledge its arrival.


His reflexes jerked his body as his fight or flight response took control, obeying


thousands of years of evolution and causing the pain to spread and intensify with the


extra movement. He tried to scream but a sharp dryness in his throat robbed him of such


a luxury. As his senses returned to him he regained control of his body. Rather than fight


against his unseen bonds, he relaxed his body, the relief from the pain washing over him


like a warm tide. And now he lay still once again.


He felt the throbbing in his head as he tried to recall any memory that could offer some


clue to his predicament, but the more he concentrated on the past, the more his head


ached. His memories were as inaccessible to him as they were to others, and he


wondered what kind of trauma would cause him to lose all trace of who he was. What


could take away a man’s name?


The sudden jolt to his senses had banished all traces of sleep, and he had gained


presence of mind to take stock of the situation. He was blind, he could feel himself


blinking, but otherwise his eyes were offering no sign that they were open.


Where the Hell am I? His question lacking a voice to give it form.


Left without vision, he found himself paying more attention to what his body was telling


him. He had realised from his struggle he was upside down, suspended by his ankles,


arms hanging free. Whatever bound his feet together was far from gentle, the sharp


edges causing constant, but tolerable, pain. He knew he was naked, but not because of


any breeze, indeed, all he felt on his skin was almost overwhelming heat. He felt the


shame and embarrassment which came with being outside the confines of his safe, home


environment without the shield of clothing. He wondered if he were outside, and the


heat he felt was the sun, but he quickly dismissed the thought, there would be more


sound if that were the case.


Then the realisation hit him, causing such a feeling of uneasiness, he almost forgot the


pain movement brought, and had to fight the urge to struggle again. There was no


sound at all. He knew he wasn’t deaf, he could hear his raspy breathing, but that was all


he could hear. No sound of wind, waves, birdsong or civilization, he felt exposed and


without realising it, he tried to quieten his breathing to match his surroundings, as if he


were the prey of some unseen beast, and any sound would alert his hunter to his


position. No matter how slow his breathing, the sound coming from his lungs was like


stones grinding together, the uncontrollable noise shining into the silence like a torch


beam in a cavern.




Escape was his one concern now, and he knew he had to face the pain again. If he


could somehow free himself from his ankle restraints, then maybe he would find more


information by feeling his surroundings. He was aware that he might be some distance


from the ground, not once during his writhing had he felt his hands brush against


anything, so the floor could be several feet below him, and the thought of falling the


distance without the use of his eyes terrified him. The vulnerability he felt suspended


and naked, who knows where, how, or why, terrified him more.


It was decided then, and without another thought, he brought his hands up and


crunched his stomach. The shock of seeing his hands stopped the attempt short. He


relaxed his body again and allowed the pain to pass over and through him. He could see


his hands! He could see why he had mistaken the pitch blackness all around him for his


own blindness. He felt no relief with this new discovery however, only more questions


which needed answering. He had seen his hands so there must be light, though it had


been faint, but it was definitely there. As he waited for the pain in his muscles to pass,


he looked into the darkness surrounding him for any sign of light, for any sign of


anything, and finding none, twisted his head against the stiffness in his neck, hoping the


answers were behind him. His hopes soon lay dashed as he swung himself more and


more, there was nothing to be seen except darkness so thick that he wondered if light


could even survive in it. His fear swelling with his new discovery, a part of him wished he


still thought he was blind.


At least now he had a short term goal, easier to achieve than his idea of escape, he just


wanted to see his hands. Steeling himself against the agony of movement he began to


quickly lift his arms toward his face. His arms moved easier now, the pain in his muscles


muted by use, and though the journey his hands took was a great effort, the relief of a


less costly fare gave him strength.


All at once he regretted his decision. Ignorance is bliss, and he wished for that bliss now


as he stared at the skeletal hands just a few inches from his face. He fought his eyes


for focus, unable to stop looking, what he held in front of his eyes were the hands of a


dead man. No colour, no fat, no muscle, as he clenched his fingers to his palms, he could


see every working of his knuckle joints through his paper thin, white flesh.


The scream was beyond his control. Though relieved he could finally create sound, the


noise he produced brought with it only more confusion. He let his arms fall back to their


natural position as silence fell again, and he stared, mouth agape into the nothingness in


front of him. He knew what was missing, though he refused to believe it, he knew this


was something that couldn’t be faked by whoever was responsible for his situation, but


as the seconds went by, there was no explanation he could think of that provided him


with any comfort. He swallowed hard, feeling the warm moisture in his throat. Again he


swallowed, delaying the inevitable, terrified of what he would soon discover.


“Hello?” He whimpered, the words shaky and pathetic. No!


Again, louder, this time sounding like an enquiry; “Hello?”


The sound fell away from his lips, stolen by the emptiness, and as soon as he finished


the word, all sound ceased once again. Why was there no echo? It just couldn’t be.


“Hello?” Louder now, but still nothing. His words were consumed again and again, sucked


into the vacuum of the void.


His last effort filled with desperation, no longer a word, just a continuous vowel,


screamed with failing effort.




He surrendered, too scared to even cry out loud. Each word uttered had been paid for


with confidence, and the last attempt had left him in debt. He felt his body trembling,


despite the heat, as each factor of his imprisonment combined, and he felt utterly


without hope. Less than ten minutes had passed since he awoke, without a name or a


past, bound and stripped, in a desert devoid of light and sound, and he felt utterly


defeated, his strength sapped, and as he lost consciousness, he felt he would rather not


wake up again, than wake up here.

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