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Liberal Democrats Pledge Not To Raise VAT

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The Liberal Democrats have pledged not to increase VAT in the next Parliament.



Leader Nick Clegg has accused the Conservatives of planning a "VAT bombshell" to pay for tax breaks.


But he said his party could rule out an increase.



What is Cleggs word really worth ………………. Ah well at least he as is foot in number 10.

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Clegg has the taste of power and he is going to roll over as a puppy and forget his principles. He does not give a stuff for the people of Sheffield only his so called deputy position. I am a Sheffielder and I dont know how he is going to have the nerve to return to the people he is supposed to represent. Forgmasters springs to mind.

As I now live in Inverness our Lib Dem is Danny Alexander, and he will have a visit from me to ask why you have sold all that voted down the hill, I did want a Con Goverment in power I voted for the lib dems not what we have

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Didn't he say "You'd pay £389 a year more under the Conservatives"







Something else he got wrong :roll: not looking good is it.


Families will be left £500 a year worse by George Osborne's decision to raise VAT to 20 per cent, accountants warned yesterday.



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hmm, clegg also assured us that a vote for him was a vote to ensure that the Tories didn't get into power. we got a tory Government, and we now have VAT going up to 20%, come next year...


I can say "Slimy and deceitful"... can you?

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hmm, clegg also assured us that a vote for him was a vote to ensure that the Tories didn't get into power. we got a tory Government, and we now have VAT going up to 20%, come next year...


I can say "Slimy and deceitful"... can you?


I don't know if it's deceitful PT. I think the reasons he has given for changing his mind aren't really substantive. The reason given so far is it's worse than they thought and it's all Labour's fault. I really think if they're asking us to endure austerity measures they have to do betther than that because:


1) It's actually better than they thought. Virtually every economic indicator backs that up. And the OBR said that Darling's plan was working and credible


2) The bit that actually is a little worse - the structural deficit - is not something they should be attempting to address in the lifetime of a single parliament. It's a long term problem best dealt with using long term solutions rather than shock treatment. Attempting to completely clear a large structural deficit in a short time while the country is struggling back into growth is a massive risk.

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There was a LibDem MP on the news wondering what he is going to say to his constituents who voted him in on the back of LibDem pledges not to raise VAT.


Of course every MP in the coalition has got a ready made excuse every time they agree to a policy that they previously campaigned against. The LibDems can just blame the Tories, and the Tories will just blame the LibDems.

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