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Hallam fm radio prizes

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Has anyone on hear ever had problems with winning with radio hallam and waiting for their prizes? ive constantly had to ring and ring and get told oh we have rung the promotor and the prizes are on their way give it till whatever day, that day arrives, prizes??? no nothing so you ring again, oh we are contacting them, we'll ring you back within the hour, do they?? no, no calls no nothing so you ring again, oh yes, ill get back to you,, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ still waiting! whats the point, i give in, ive had it!!!

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well these were for frenchgate in doncaster ive now been messed around for 6 weeks with still nothing! the last call i made i also asked well, couldnt i simply collect it, i was told no not really because although the prize is for doncaster its coming from cornwall!!! wow, they really do take it dont they!!

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they say its the promotor thats the problem thats not yet sent them yet i get told "we have spoke to them" and they are sending them to us, they will be with you by x day, then when they dont arrive i ring, they or someone else says "were getting intouch" with them? really? i thought thats what you said you had already done! ive also won a few times, and all but say the odd 1 or 2 ive always had to chase up, one thing is for sure, they shouldnt be saying at the time of winning, theyre in the post congrats! because its clearly for listening listeners to hear! they think wow! its not so

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