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Nether Edge Assault on Doorstep Warning.

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I'm abit un clear...so, did he take anything from the house orrrr...?


Or did he just knock on the door, when she opened, hit her and then went on his merry way?


He'd be ok knocking here, I keep my golf clubs in the hallway next to the door :P

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Your golf clubs wouldn't be a lot of help after being knocked out with a single punch to the face on opening the door!!


I hope that the poor woman who suffered this vicious assault is ok........though I doubt that she will be..... and let it be a warning to all........don't open your door to strangers, especially at night.


My front door is like fort knox but it is half glazed. If I don't recognise the outline of the person on the other side, I either check by looking through the lounge window or I keep the chain on as I open the door. Not only that but whoever is on the other side of the door might be wary when they hear the dog going crazy on the inside.


You can never be too sure these days so it's allways better to be safe then sorry. Sadly it's a sign of the times that we live in. I hope the police catch the maniac that did this and I wish the victim a speedy recovery.

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Typical ignoramus stigmatising again probably an england fan!!!


Yes I am an England fan, but I do know that Netheredge Hospital (Michael Carisle Centre) seem to have an open door policy. Some of the residents there have quite severe mental health problems, but are allowed to just walk out it seems.

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I always look through the window before I open the door, day or night. If I don't know them, I don't open the door. Hope the the person who was hit,is doing well now, must have been awful for them.

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Your golf clubs wouldn't be a lot of help after being knocked out with a single punch to the face on opening the door!!


I hope that the poor woman who suffered this vicious assault is ok........though I doubt that she will be..... and let it be a warning to all........don't open your door to strangers, especially at night.


My front door is like fort knox but it is half glazed. If I don't recognise the outline of the person on the other side, I either check by looking through the lounge window or I keep the chain on as I open the door. Not only that but whoever is on the other side of the door might be wary when they hear the dog going crazy on the inside.


You can never be too sure these days so it's allways better to be safe then sorry. Sadly it's a sign of the times that we live in. I hope the police catch the maniac that did this and I wish the victim a speedy recovery.

In all fairness I stand a bigger chance of withstanding the punch more than an old woman... but anyway, that doesn't answer my question. Does anyone know if he took anything from the house or anything?
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Yes I am an England fan, but I do know that Netheredge Hospital (Michael Carisle Centre) seem to have an open door policy. Some of the residents there have quite severe mental health problems, but are allowed to just walk out it seems.


In reality you don't actually know anything at all about it do you?


If the person was a patient and the MC centre, surely people working there wouldn't get a security warning giving such a vague description.

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In reality you don't actually know anything at all about it do you?


If the person was a patient and the MC centre, surely people working there wouldn't get a security warning giving such a vague description.


That's where you are wrong. A friend of mine is a copper at Woodseats and they tell me that at least once a day they are asked to look out for a patients who have walked out of that hospital.

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I always open my door without a chain and shall continue to do so.


Good for you honey, but if anyone is concerned about who is at the door then using a safety chain is a good idea. My door is always locked, but it's half-glazed so I can usually see who is there anyway.

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