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Are UK citizens addicted on State handouts?

State benefits  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. State benefits

    • Yes I receive some state benefit, no matter how small
    • No, I don't benefit from the state at all

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This is a daft thread, anyone of the right age, with enough NI contributions can claim their state pension that they have paid for, what is wrong with that? :huh:


You forgot Winter Fuel Allowance by the way.


Yep, spot-on that's why I haven't voted.

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I get child benefit( automatic) for my (now )14 year old and child tax credit.The changes in the budget wont make that much difference to me.

Cant say that I am addicted, I would manage without them but it is good that my daughter can use this to buy her own clothes with. Of course without it I would buy them for her, she likes to make her own though so she is good at economising.

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Your opinion is obvious - isn't that why you asked the question?

I receive my pension which, in your opinion, is a state handout.

Apparently, everyone receives a state handout, by your definition but,

as I said, that's how the system is set up.


Y'see it works like this; a person asks a question because they are interested in other people's opinions rather than their own.


Sometimes a question is presented in a certain way to elicit a particular thought process before a response is made. Sometimes that though process might be "oo I never thought of it like that, perhaps I'll develop my thoughts further than what I always trot out as my opinion so that me and other people will develop a really good conversation where we explore ideas rather than having the usual good old rant where nobody gets anywhere"


But if you want to be belligerent as well as opinionated and wrong then go ahead, be predictable. :)



If it helps, I ticked the "Yes I receive some state benefit, no matter how small" option.

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Guest sibon




Has the welfare state been used to make us all dependant on the State?


Is the UK addicted to hand outs?




I don't think that the handouts are there to deliberately make us dependent upon the state. They have developed mostly to address areas of need, or perceived need. The system has grown, rather than been designed and maybe it is time to re-evaluate the whole thing with a view to making things simpler and more effective.


There are some benefits that we could stop paying and some that we might consider increasing. It is rather absurd that we pay child benefit regardless of income. I have no idea how much it costs us, but means testing it would have been first on my list if I were chancellor. It is plainly absurd to pay it to everyone and that would be a relatively painless cut.

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It's not mentioned because this thread isn't about that, but how about you ricgem2002, do you claim anything - child allowance maybe?
its not about what ? you started this thread but fail in your question about labeling other people but think its ok to label people living here :huh: and what i may have claimed/not claimed is no concern of yours :hihi: so next time you post another poll please include all the people it relates to and not try and make out "we" are all benefit addicted thank you
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Not really but then again I am working, the kids are grown up, I have no disabilities, the wife is working and I live in my own home ………….. what can I claim for. :(


Your state pension when you're of an age to do so.


If not a scrounger now, a scrounger you will be ;)

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I don't claim any 'benefits' but saying that I 'don't benefit from the state' isn't correct either because I obviously do in that I use the NHS, drive on the roads, been educated at school, I will possibly claim maternity pay in the future (although I'd be back at work as soon as possible!), all being well I might even claim my state pension etc.


So it's a pretty daft poll to be honest.

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Y'see it works like this; a person asks a question because they are interested in other people's opinions rather than their own.


Sometimes a question is presented in a certain way to elicit a particular thought process before a response is made. Sometimes that though process might be "oo I never thought of it like that, perhaps I'll develop my thoughts further than what I always trot out as my opinion so that me and other people will develop a really good conversation where we explore ideas rather than having the usual good old rant where nobody gets anywhere"


But if you want to be belligerent as well as opinionated and wrong then go ahead, be predictable. :)



If it helps, I ticked the "Yes I receive some state benefit, no matter how small" option.


Quote my original post: Originally Posted by Organgrinder

Your opinion is obvious - isn't that why you asked the question?

I receive my pension which, in your opinion, is a state handout.

Apparently, everyone receives a state handout, by your definition but,

as I said, that's how the system is set up.


I'm dying to know what is belligerent, opinionated or wrong in my paragraph?

I am merely stating fact - the system is not perfect but that's how it is.

You do say you are interested in other people's opinions rather than your own. Your interest must be rather selective because you seem to be getting a little irate at mine.

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