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Nose bleed is it head back or forward..

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Forwards to allow blood to come out - if you put it back you'll get a collection in the throat and a clot forming:gag:

Pinch the bridge of the nose very hard for at least 10 mins - apply ice pack if poss.

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forward otherwise the blood runs down the back of the throat...


pinch the bridge of the nose tightly as this will help to stem the bleeding




Snap !

Where else but of SF could you get first aid advice within 60 seconds ?:clap:

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Why an ice pack? the op didnt say it was swollen


The coldness shrinks the blood vessels down and reduces the blood flow - slows the bleeding down.

Ice shouldn't be applied straight onto the skin though - should be wrapped in a cloth of some kind.

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The coldness shrinks the blood vessels down and reduces the blood flow - slows the bleeding down.


Yeah i know that, but just never heard them been used for nose bleeds thats all.New to me but google says your right :D

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The coldness shrinks the blood vessels down and reduces the blood flow - slows the bleeding down.

Ice shouldn't be applied straight onto the skin though - should be wrapped in a cloth of some kind.



Spot on advice!



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Blood always 'goes a long way' - it always looks more than it is !

Well done ! Hope the little 'un wasn't too upset by it all. Encourage him/her to sit quietly for a while - too much running around might set it off bleeding again !

Best wishes.

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