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Nose bleed is it head back or forward..

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i used to put mine forward over the toilet and let it drip till clotted, or id break off two sheets of bog roll fold them up and twist em into tissue screws and plug my nostril with it..leave it about 20 mins then slowly pull it out and drop it in the toilet always works for me.

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i have nosebeeds litterally all the time and consider myself quite the expert. haha. you should tip your head foreward and hold the nost tightly just beneath the bone for about 5/10 mins, usually does it. it looked like a scene from phycho in the bath yesterday when i got one. lol.


it annoyes me that most people who try and give me advice when i get one are generally wrong. i was in an exam the other week and i got one, and the envidulator told me to tip my head back! she was wrong the silly woman!

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The coldness shrinks the blood vessels down and reduces the blood flow - slows the bleeding down.

Ice shouldn't be applied straight onto the skin though - should be wrapped in a cloth of some kind.


bag of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel in our house :)

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same here, i had some bad ones as a child and like you say, it was head over the sink until it had stopped. I used to try and aim the drops of blood to go down the center of the plug hole, or make patterns in the sink:hihi::hihi:


That's really made me chuckle!!



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There was a scene on Sex and the City which showed a doctor inserting tampons up a guy's nose to stop it bleeding.




And not so far fetched either !

The nose packs used post surgery are very similar to tampons !

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