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Who will suffer the most under the present parliament?

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Guest sibon
Which we'd be in a much better position to do without the staff layoffs, de minimis limits and general lack of political will.


Half the time debts are written off because we just don't have the staff or wherewithall to pursue them. I'm not talking pocket money either.


Nonsense. We all know that the public services are bloated beyond belief:D

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Re: tax and the wealthy.


Who was that rich bloke who hit the papers for bragging he paid less tax than his cleaner?


Some investment banker or hedge fund manager wasn't it?


The rich are usually rich enough to avoid paying taxes.

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Re: tax and the wealthy.


Who was that rich bloke who hit the papers for bragging he paid less tax than his cleaner?


Nicholas Ferguson was one (there are more than one example), but it wasn't bragging, it was more embarrassment.



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Re: tax and the wealthy.


Who was that rich bloke who hit the papers for bragging he paid less tax than his cleaner?


It was One Gordon B (remember him?) who brought in the rules that allowed this to happen - the abuse of it was so wrong, but legal.



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It was One Gordon B (remember him?) who brought in the rules that allowed this to happen - the abuse of it was so wrong, but legal.




I guess you will be condemning George Osbourne for extending the allowance from £2million to £5million then?

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"The NHS is safe in our hands."


You can almost hear the knives sharpening again.


What are you saying that whilst Labour were in power they bought blunt scalples? Well they didn't clean the hospitals & as a result we have c-diff & mrsa as a legacy to thank them for!

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I think you will find that somewhere between £8bn and £20bn of tax is evaded in the UK each year. Mostly by the wealthy. Nothing to do with tax rates, or percentage of income paid. Just theft.




So scrotes smoking weed which attracts no tax levy at all, are not a big contribution to that evaded figure then....say compared to if they drank alchohol. Take a look at the amount (in pound notes) of just 'seized drugs' in the Uk & how much do you think is 'unseized' or slips through the net? Imagine if that lot was taxable at the same rate of alchohol!!!


How you can blame tax evasion to just the wealthy is beyond me! (And before you start I'm working class)


Depends if you want to talk about direct taxation or indirect taxation....but it all goes to make the pot!

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There is a pressing need for HMRC to get their act together and to collect all the tax owed though... We are all in this together, after all.



Too right. You'd best have a word with the bloke that mends your washing machine.


In 2004...

Professor Colin Talbot, one of the UK’s leading experts in public policy, believes the sub-economy could be worth anything between £53 billion and £137 billion a year and could involve from 1.4 million to 3.6 million workers.

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Further afield there is most definately poverty worse than here. People starving to death (2,000,000 lqast year) and it is a disgrace in a modern world. There is enough money and food to go round but the distribution is all wrong.


What people do not realise is that even in these 'third world' countries there are people of enormous wealth, India for example has the largest middle class in the world.


The gap between rich and poor is greater than here and growing fast. It needs an organised national welfare system to bridge the gap - just what people seem to be advocating we do away with here.


Do we really want to see poverty in this country descend to third world levels?


Stop voting tory then.


Get out among your fellow workers and start organising.

This government is so weak, a few well placed strikes could have them down in weeks.

Get a proper regime in place and you can start lifting some people out of the poverty you despise.

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