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Who will suffer the most under the present parliament?

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you mean some sort of swp paradise like scargill was trying to set up after the miners strike?


up the revolution!


No, I just want to smash the smarmy gits pathetic regime to pieces.


Socialism has to be international to be sucessful, like capitalism, and Islam.


And whilst ever we have international capitalism, the other two aint gonna get a look in.


So we must wait, until the conditions are right.

But dont hold your breath. :hihi:

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Artisan, why can't I have some of your money to take to Tesco if you hsve more than me?


Because you are a tory and despise beggars.

Get down the precinct with your dog and upturned baseball cap.

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Because the world would be a better place without him and all his kind.

And he is a loathesome slimeball, to boot.

But you know that already, so why ask?


Surely you dont think he has some redeeming features do you?

Pull the other one, its got bells on.

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Because the world would be a better place without him and all his kind.

And he is a loathesome slimeball, to boot.

But you know that already, so why ask?


Surely you dont think he has some redeeming features do you?

Pull the other one, its got bells on.


he might be a loathesome slimeball but that doesn't mean he's a bad person.


i'm not sure that the world would be a better person without him and his kind anyway the places that got rid of that kind only replaced them with others and the lot of the average man and woman in those places doesn't seem particularly good either

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Ah Artisan, you daft old commie. ;) I'm glad that there are still folk like you around to keep us on our toes so we don't go back to the bad old days.


As long as I food in my belly, a decent car, secure house, and a good moan, I am as happy as Larry.

But I will still loathe the tory party until my last gasp.

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I didn't vote Tory (or labour)


Assuming that strikes do bring the government down, then what?

Back to labour? I don't think so...


What sort of regime did you have in mind? I admit when the ballot box fails, then uprisings seem the only course of action, but surely there must be a better way.



There certainly is another way. You've been told about it.


Elect the Green Party!


The Greens have promised to give every man, woman and child a 'social income' which will be enough to live on. It will be a right and will not be means tested. (It's all in their manifesto ;))


I don't know how much money an individual would need to rent accommodation, pay the heating and lighting bills, pay the council tax, buy clothing, buy food (prepared meals and takeaways are a 'must' , pay for entertainment, buy an I-Pad, buy whatever else the 'must have' item is and have sufficient money to lead an interesting social life (would going clubbing at least twice a week be often enough?)


Let's say you could do that for £12,000. (Obviously that would be tax-free.)


Each man, woman and child would get that under the Green Party.


Consider a family of 2 adults with 4 children. They would get £72,000 a year tax free. (Do you think either of the adults would bother to go to work?)


Nobody would suffer. Everybody would get as much free money as they wanted.

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There certainly is another way. You've been told about it.


Elect the Green Party!


The Greens have promised to give every man, woman and child a 'social income' which will be enough to live on. It will be a right and will not be means tested. (It's all in their manifesto ;))


I don't know how much money an individual would need to rent accommodation, pay the heating and lighting bills, pay the council tax, buy clothing, buy food (prepared meals and takeaways are a 'must' , pay for entertainment, buy an I-Pad, buy whatever else the 'must have' item is and have sufficient money to lead an interesting social life (would going clubbing at least twice a week be often enough?)


Let's say you could do that for £12,000. (Obviously that would be tax-free.)


Each man, woman and child would get that under the Green Party.


Consider a family of 2 adults with 4 children. They would get £72,000 a year tax free. (Do you think either of the adults would bother to go to work?)


Nobody would suffer. Everybody would get as much free money as they wanted.



Where does the money come from?

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