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Who will suffer the most under the present parliament?

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For those in true poverty, they may not actually notice that much difference (although I'm not for one minute suggesting they should be thankful). For those whose expectations are slightly higher, or have become used to a certain standard of living that they will have to relinquish, they will suffer in their own way.


Suffering is subjective. You can be wealthy, well fed, housed, big stupid car, healthy etc. and still suffer tremendously. It's all about state of mind.


Even fear alone of losing your home could be considered suffering.


There will always be someone who has suffered more than you. You may be homeless, but you have your health. You still suffer in your own way, but the man without legs, or the man blinded in a freak accident would do anything to be in your position if it meant he could walk or see again.


Just a thought.

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Being poor is sleeping in a shop doorway or under a bridge;

Being poor is having to beg for money to eat or go hungry.

Being poor is raiding supermarket bins to find food to eat.

Being poor is not being able to afford heating or hot water.

Being poor is not having enough money for bus fare to get somewhere urgent.

Being poor is being heavily in debt, not for luxuries but for everyday living costs.

Being poor is having the electric cut off for non payment of bills.

Being poor is wearing shoes with the soles coming away from the top.

Being poor is depending on the good will of others to survive.

Being poor is having to resort to crime to survive.

Being poor is being looked down on and reviled by society.

Being poor is being without hope for the future.

Being poor is a life of grinding depression and low self-esteem.


All happening to some poor sod in Britain today.

All happening to some" less fortunate" in Britain today, "not poor" and there is help in nearly all cases.

This much misaligned word,"poor" seems to have been franchised by the Labour left to make people believe that only they care about those in society less fortunate than others,and that all others are either greedy bas..rds or could not care less. Nothing could be further from the truth!Lots of the points you raised are self induced over a period of time,and for genuine cases of hardship help is at hand for all your points raised.The system might not be perfect in administration,but lots of the less fortunate could do more to help themselves.

For a true understanding of the word "poor" you need to look further afield than Britain! where there is no help for millions for any of your points raised!

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Further afield there is most definately poverty worse than here. People starving to death (2,000,000 lqast year) and it is a disgrace in a modern world. There is enough money and food to go round but the distribution is all wrong.


What people do not realise is that even in these 'third world' countries there are people of enormous wealth, India for example has the largest middle class in the world.


The gap between rich and poor is greater than here and growing fast. It needs an organised national welfare system to bridge the gap - just what people seem to be advocating we do away with here.


Do we really want to see poverty in this country descend to third world levels?

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The people making most money generally make it by making other people work harder than they do, for less money.


The highest paid of these hire smart accountants to make sure that they don't pay their share.


The bulk of the income tax paid comes from those on modest incomes.


This is where the money comes from.


Well said. The only things most of the highest earners pay more towards is PR people to mislead the press, lobbyists to make sure the laws are tilted in their favour and accountants to ensure they contribute as little as possible.

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Well said. The only things most of the highest earners pay more towards is PR people to mislead the press, lobbyists to make sure the laws are tilted in their favour and accountants to ensure they contribute as little as possible.


You always have the option of starting your own company and working for yourself

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Further afield there is most definately poverty worse than here. People starving to death (2,000,000 lqast year) and it is a disgrace in a modern world. There is enough money and food to go round but the distribution is all wrong.


What people do not realise is that even in these 'third world' countries there are people of enormous wealth, India for example has the largest middle class in the world.


The gap between rich and poor is greater than here and growing fast. It needs an organised national welfare system to bridge the gap - just what people seem to be advocating we do away with here.


Do we really want to see poverty in this country descend to third world levels?

But we do make huge aid contributions to less fortunate nations from our taxes,which most people agree with.

Who are these people that advocate "doing away" with the welfare system? Cutting waste and corruption yes! but doing away with never!

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