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How to cure spider infestation?

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I've actually had surprisingly few spiders this year - only one all summer. Which is fine by me!! Although I tend to find Autumn is peak time for them, they've got big and fat and juicy over the summer and they come in out of the cold and rain to take advantage of your central heating.

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Originally posted by Mathom

there were about 300-400 spiderlings running around and making tiny webs. But after a week or so they had gone - I'm not sure that very many at all survive from each 'litter'

There's a lot of siblicide - provides food for the strongest, who then have a better chance of starting their own furry family. Most fascinating are the cases of sexual suicide, eg the Australian Redback spider. But I'll spare us all from further Biology teaching...


Anyways, I've found the best way of making spiders locally extinct is with the help of a feline friend - thanks Charlie :)

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My goodness, I thought / think i may have a family of em living under a pile of clothes in my room.

For the last three night running i have found a spider running across my floor. All three have been much larger than most you find. I had to take a picture of one as it was so sick.

I have to put a bucket on top of them till somebody else can get rid of them for me. It is disgusting when you can hear them scratching around against the side of the bucket. I am to scared to move the pile of clothes now incase loads come out.



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That looks like a Huntsman Spider - they tend to be the biggest you get native in the UK. It's probably the same spider each time though! Spiders don't really like one another very much so they travel alone...it's the males you see most often.


Yeah, felines do like hunting spiders, eand then eating them, but they can make them sick so I try to stop them doing this.


When you see dead ones all curled up on the floor, don't get too excited. Those are more than likely just spider skins that have been shed.

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Spiders are in the 'white hat' team as far as keeping other things you don't like out of your house. A normal house with attic and the like will have over 200 spiders living in and around it, most of which you will never know about or meet. Spiders only eat the 'black hat' team and only when they are actually alive, so they won't spread poisoning through the food on your table like flies do, and they won't do damage to the fabric of your house like ants do.


Give them a break. They are part of the natural fauna in your house, and you'll thank them when their little webs catch the influx of flying ants that are around already or the influx of wasps that are due in the next month.

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I'm currently trying to get hold of an electronic spider repeller which apparently send some sort of signal around the circuitry and deter them. At the moment I'm resorting to killing them off with bug spray and nearly gassing myself (i've just moved into a ground floor flat which has been vacant for a while and the window left open to air, so it genuinely is infested, the whole place is covered in cobwebs eugh).


Its all well and good telling us that they're harmless and useful but when you have a phobia that really doesn't matter you can't just 'get over it'. I can think about a spider now and feel fine but if one comes near me I will go into a blind panic and there's nothing I can do about it.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm with you Twiglet. Home alone this week as my housemate's away and have had two big'uns over the weekend. Am actually glad to be taking refuge in work for today!


I've heard that conkers in the house repel them. Don't know how true this is though. Has anyone tried it? Woud be good to know if it's a myth before I go scrambling around horse chesnut trees and fighting schoolchildren for the shiny, brown treasure...

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September is a month for the damn creepy crawlies to be coming in as it gets colder outside... May June time is when they go out due to the warmer weather change...


This is why at certain times of the year you will see them more on a regular basis...


My tip is get rid of the tiniest of spiders that you may have in your home as they all grow...


I hate it when people tell me its only a money spider or its only a baby... i dont care get rid... there's always that chance of it getting bigger... ewww :gag:


Unfortunately i have a serious phobia... so on occasions i do need a hand in getting rid!

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Originally posted by Twiglet

I'm currently trying to get hold of an electronic spider repeller which apparently send some sort of signal around the circuitry and deter them. At the moment I'm resorting to killing them off with bug spray and nearly gassing myself (i've just moved into a ground floor flat which has been vacant for a while and the window left open to air, so it genuinely is infested, the whole place is covered in cobwebs eugh).


Its all well and good telling us that they're harmless and useful but when you have a phobia that really doesn't matter you can't just 'get over it'. I can think about a spider now and feel fine but if one comes near me I will go into a blind panic and there's nothing I can do about it.



I got these from ebay well the mouse onces as in my old house got a lot of mice with the house been knocked down near by.Now i moved i get the big daddy of the spiders i can not belive how big they are,they dont bother me one bit but my kid freeked by them,On the box its says it keeps spiders from bay so i plugged one in over night and not seen any that has repellers in the room's.I got them in liveing room kitchen-kids bedroom and not seen one in these rooms,but i do get them a lot on the landing where they no repeller at all.so i can say these do work but been told by the RENTOKIL people that its a lie that the repelling sound travels threw the wires of your electric in ur walls (as it states on box) they just send out a sound that in the room and belive that now with not haveing them on the landing.

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