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How to cure spider infestation?

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I'm currently in my bedroom cos the mother of all spiders is on the wall in the living room and I'm too scared to go in there till it goes :help: I'm ok with the little ones but the big ones scare me witless.


I used to work in a supermarket and one day a box of bananas was opened and a huge spider (tarantula) 'jumped' out :o The shop cleared in about 1 an a half minutes whilst the bravest of the boys tried to catch it. It was a spider skin :hihi: Still scared the begeezez out of me though :roll:

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I have two spider removing devices they are called Billy and Mojo, my cats. There is no easier or more effective way to get rid of them.

I also get Daddy longlegs spiders and they eat other spiders so where as you would have a few scuttling around your house you just get one lying in wait.

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I'm currently in my bedroom cos the mother of all spiders is on the wall in the living room and I'm too scared to go in there till it goes :help: I'm ok with the little ones but the big ones scare me witless.


I used to work in a supermarket and one day a box of bananas was opened and a huge spider (tarantula) 'jumped' out :o The shop cleared in about 1 an a half minutes whilst the bravest of the boys tried to catch it. It was a spider skin :hihi: Still scared the begeezez out of me though :roll:


I can imagine, what I tend to do is put a box or something over it and then get someone to slide cardboard under the box and take it outside to a grid if possible when they come in

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We moved to Beighton last year and couldn't believe how many spiders there were in the house. It had been empty for a few months. Someone told me its because we live near swampy land such as Rother Valley park.


Anyhow we still see some but the missus is petrified of the things to the point of screaming the house down - the neighbours must think I beat her or something. She has ordered one of those things you plug in and it ommits a signal which spiders dont like. Anyone ever used one?



Anyway, last year in my old house I was woken by a tickling on my face. Half asleep i grabbed something in the palm of my hand and threw it on the floor. It was the biggest spider I have seen in my life scuttling away on the floor.



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I can imagine, what I tend to do is put a box or something over it and then get someone to slide cardboard under the box and take it outside to a grid if possible when they come in


Its been there since i got up this morning. I've been out and about and come home and its still in the same position except with one leg :gag: slightly moved. I'm sat staring at it on the other side of the room wondering how to pack the stuff in here up and move without disturbing it, or whether to just call it a day and start afresh and buy new furniture :huh:


I've seriously contemplated asking my neighbour to help out but I'm supposed to be an independent woman so guess i'll just go to my bedroom instead untill it moves, then I'll spend the whole time worrying where its gone!!!! :help:


I'd put something over it but its up on the wall near the ceiling taunting me...

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Its been there since i got up this morning. I've been out and about and come home and its still in the same position except with one leg :gag: slightly moved. I'm sat staring at it on the other side of the room wondering how to pack the stuff in here up and move without disturbing it, or whether to just call it a day and start afresh and buy new furniture :huh:


I've seriously contemplated asking my neighbour to help out but I'm supposed to be an independent woman so guess i'll just go to my bedroom instead untill it moves, then I'll spend the whole time worrying where its gone!!!! :help:


I'd put something over it but its up on the wall near the ceiling taunting me...

What if it moves to somewhere you can't see it while your in the bedroom:o Then later whilst you unsuspectingly settle down to a hot chocolate and a bit of telly..... there it is.....on your face from out of nowhere:gag: :gag: :gag:

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What if it moves to somewhere you can't see it while your in the bedroom:o Then later whilst you unsuspectingly settle down to a hot chocolate and a bit of telly..... there it is.....on your face from out of nowhere:gag: :gag: :gag:


Oh your horrible, you do realise I'll be sitting upright ALL night now watching that it doesn't creep up on me, I'm even considering getting my little black book out for a suitable male to remove it for me :hihi:

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Oh your horrible, you do realise I'll be sitting upright ALL night now watching that it doesn't creep up on me, I'm even considering getting my little black book out for a suitable male to remove it for me :hihi:


I bet you could beat it in a fight:hihi: Don't worry your pretty little head, I'm sure the spider is just resting before making it's egg sack behind a mirror or something and then it will be on it's way.

Seriously, if your that worried by it, get one of your neighbours to shift it for you:)

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