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How to cure spider infestation?

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I bet you could beat it in a fight:hihi: Don't worry your pretty little head, I'm sure the spider is just resting before making it's egg sack behind a mirror or something and then it will be on it's way.

Seriously, if your that worried by it, get one of your neighbours to shift it for you:)


Yeah but.. i don't wanna ruin my 'hardgirl' image :cool:


I'm seriously considering it, but think my neighbour maybe just as scared as me!


It's big, its hairy, I'd take a pic but too scared to get any closer!


That egg bit BTW was just plain cruel *sobs*

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Yeah but.. i don't wanna ruin my 'hardgirl' image :cool:


I'm seriously considering it, but think my neighbour maybe just as scared as me!


It's big, its hairy, I'd take a pic but too scared to get any closer!


That egg bit BTW was just plain cruel *sobs*


It's braver to admit fear than to hide behind a facade!:P





Sorry about the egg thing.....I'm sure it's not egg season

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It's braver to admit fear than to hide behind a facade!:P





Sorry about the egg thing.....I'm sure it's not egg season


Ok ok I'm scared, come and do your lightening trick on it, don't mind having to re-decorate after!

Is there anyway of getting the bloody thing off the wall without getting too close??

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Ok ok I'm scared, come and do your lightening trick on it, don't mind having to re-decorate after!

Is there anyway of getting the bloody thing off the wall without getting too close??


A towel, get a bath towel and flick it off the wall with it.

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I couldn't have done the towel thing there'd be too much chance of it accidently getting flicked where It could skitter away making me freak out, no, I would've had to move or use a blow torch on it.


Anyway its all academic now, my neighbours son came round to lend ketchup(!) and he saved the day and took it outside after laughing at me :hihi:

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I bet you could beat it in a fight:hihi: Don't worry your pretty little head, I'm sure the spider is just resting before making it's egg sack behind a mirror or something and then it will be on it's way.

Seriously, if your that worried by it, get one of your neighbours to shift it for you:)

theres nothing wrong with spending an (cant spel) extortional ?? amount of money on one of the newspapers availlable on sundays to SWAT the evil eight legged things with !!!!! oh sorry ! to all the sport readers !! thats a broad sheet to you ? you know one of the bigguns:hihi: :hihi:
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  • 4 months later...

Help I have 2 Spider Egg Sacks Outside 2 of my windows and the mothers are guarding them. The egg sack is in the corner of the double glazed wndow on the outside.


How many eggs will hatch? I am worried that I will have hundreds of spiderlings running around and potentially get into the house. How do I get rid of them, I don't want to kill them because its a bit cruel...what do I do???

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A lot of these posts keep going on about spiders "coming in from outside" or being "put outside"...well if you google the British house

spider or giant house spider (which is what most are) you'll see that they live in doors all the time that is now their natural habitat.

The ones which you see will be the male looking for a mate the females stay hidden away behind boxes and in nooks and crannies.


It's only in the last couple of years that theyve started being seen a bit earlier as previously it was quite rare to see a big one in a house outside the late September to November period.Even now this is still the period when you'll see the vast majority.

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  • 7 months later...

I'm not a big fan of spiders and seeing as my housemates HATE it when I'm hoovering them up at 2am my parents got me this funky little thing on primrose-london.co.uk called a spider repeller and it works in the whole house.


Works well so far and I haven't seen any since plugging it in in our hallway, but spider season is yet to come round so I guess I'll have to wait to see whether this really works. :o


If anyone has any better suggestions I am open to ideas, I don't mind spiders outside just not in my room!

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