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How to cure spider infestation?

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For several months I have had a spider infestation. At first I tried putting them outside, but I kept seeing more. So now I am killing them figurng they were coming straight back in, but it makes no difference! Its got to the point where I find a new one every 2-3 days. If I dont kill them I'd soon have 20-30 of the things inside a few months!!


Is there something to use which will make them go away, so I dont have to kill them? what can they possibly like about my flat so much?


You have to kill them:suspect:

Its a well known fact that spiders have a homing device and whenever someone brave enough comes along to put them outside, they will wait till our not looking and make their way home.

They always bring mates back with them, so now yo have a bigger problem.

If only you had splatted the horrible little things in the first place, then you wouldn`t have his problem:rant:;)

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I lived in a house that had loadsa spiders. I used to dread september cause thats when u see the biggest, the most. I once had 3 beasties darting across my living room floor in the space of 1 hr (killed em all). People told me it means u have a clean/dry house, but as i have a real phobia, that was no reassurance! The only time i didnt see many was when i had cats (they had to go though cause i was allergic!) and when i did see 1, i showed the cats and they got rid! Also, spiders apparantly hate the smell of citronella, so smear some of that around your skirting boards.

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Stop looking so tasty ... you do know they eat a little bit of you each night don’t you :D


And if the spider is unfortunate....the wind is blowing in the right direction....and you sleep with your mouth open.....you might actually eat the spider whilst you are sleeping :hihi:

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do you have a lot of fly's too? afterall thats what most spiders eat so would be the only reason tons of spiders would want to invade your house?


i've had some pretty big spiders lately in my new place... one the other night scared me crapless... thought i had a mouse in my room scurrying about, turned out to be a huge spider running over my posters lol


Indeed, they are eating something, getting shut of the predators isn't very sensible.


I used to stay in a hotel in Krasnodar, it was full of cockroaches until I took a Tupperware box full of spiders out there and let them loose on the 11th floor.


The next time I went there were no cockroaches on the 11th and plenty of big spiders. I'm told they have reached ground floor and spread to adjacent houses these days.

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