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Go on the rob, sell weed

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I 'm in two minds about this piece of news.


On the one hand, it does seem a bit......er......er.....daft, to be carrying evidence about your future criminal plans around with you.


On the other hand we have to do summfink abaht the terrible illiteracy affecting many of our Youf. So, how abaht English lessons, on writing out confessions or making [ the aforesaid ] lists of ' Crimes To Do ' ? They could write essays, entitled, ' Visiting My Dad In Nick ' or ' Helping My Mom Shoplift In Tesco '. They could have comprehension tests, featuring major, well-known crimes. [ Read ' The Great Train Robbery ' and answer the following questions ].


All this would be more relevant to their daily lives than, say, ' Janet & John Go To Marks & Spencers ' or ' How We Can Help Our Neighbours ' [ perhaps, ' How We Can Mug Our Neighbours ' ? ]. Lastly, if they DO get nicked with any incriminating evidence whilst indulging in a bit of mayhem, so what ? They only get sent down the Swanee after about 8 nickings........and even then they can watch a bit o ' telly and have a nice rest......and get ready for the next essay.........or a bit of wilful damage dahn the railway line.

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