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Australia gets first woman PM.

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The Aus deputy PM is called Wayne Swan.


Where else but Australia would you get a potential leader named Wayne? :hihi:


This is what happens when we're not specific with our posting. I didn't say which dep leader or which party! :P I meant Harriet and the Labour party. (I think you knew that really :roll: )

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good to see a left of center political party being in the real world, waking up and smelling the coffee, and seeing the dire need to replace their leader if they are to have any chance of winning forthcoming elections. Perhaps they learnt a lesson from their UK counterparts, who ought to have booted Brown out to better their chances of clinging on to power.

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Do people never learn?

Aus was doing so well, one of the leading lights.

Having a female trying to run the show was the beginning of all the trouble in this country.

Women should stay in the kitchen, where they can do less damage.


you"ve got to be joking what with the billions wasted on the B.E.R. shambles the mining tax in W.A plus the insulation fiasco he's wasted billions of tax dollars .

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Could she be any worse than the UK's recently-departed Prime Minister though?


Could anybody, for that matter?


I think that the lovely Margaret would give him a run for his money in the lack of popularity stakes.

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