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After the cuts. Benefits of Austerity living?

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I see some people won't be joining in the austerity measures. So much for "spreading the pain" and "we are all in this together"


Network Rail bonuses criticised


I sincereley hope that journalists will be on the look out for all those fat cat bankers, cheif execs who are not shouldering their share of the burden and name & shame them.


Like others have said, this is a recession primarily caused by bankers and the refusal of governements to regulate them for fear of being called statist

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i think the same as in the recession. the people that can afford to spend will keep on spending, and the people that cant afford to spend will suffer even more.


also seen on the red button news pages that some bank person wants BofE base rate to be risen to 0.75% with all the extra money we have to pay out now as a result of the budget and the possibility of mortgages going up if interest rates rise, the less well off may well be buggered?


although im a saver and would personally welcome an interest rate rise.....


Indeed many old folk rely on a bit of interest from their savings to make ends meet. It is about time someone gave them a bit of thought rather than folks who want to buy wide screen TV that they can't afford by using a credit card.

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I was just wondering if amidst all the economic gloom if there might be any positive outcomes (apart from defecit being paid off) for ordinary people and our way of life?


I, for one, will be glad to see the back of consumerism. No more shopping as a leisure pursuit. And an end to the cult of Designer goods.


Less spoilt kids? Parents back in control saying 'No.' Kids might start to appreciate the value of money and have to work for it.


More self reliance? After the shock of services being withdrawn, will people start pulling together to help each other more? Start looking out for elderly neighbours for example.


More co-operative living.


I'm struggling now. Anybody got any more ideas?



I like your ideas. I think that a period of austerity would be good for Britain. The only problem that I see with that is that we would still have the big fatcat overindulged Tories who would think....HEY LOOK....LETS MAKE THEM ALL SUFFER AND HAVE MORE LOVELY MONEY FOR GREEDY OLD US!


That, historically, is what they do best. It is a real danger.

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Thanks for that Bozo. The man is beyong parody, he truly is, like a Dickens character.


Does he not think that the people to whom he was addressing his message hadn't thought of the suggestions he made already? And it doesn't surprise me that he's fiddled his expenses - the sanctimonious are usually the worst offenders.


Well I've got a few suggestions for him. Though I don;t think the mods would take to kindly to having them on here!

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I was just wondering if amidst all the economic gloom if there might be any positive outcomes (apart from defecit being paid off)


The deficit is simply this year's overspend, it cannot be paid off, only reduced.


The national debt remains untouched at £900 billion and is currently growing by £160 billion a year (the annual deficit). The interest on the national debt is over £42 billion annually (equal to almost the entire education budget).


This is what the austerity measures are designed to tackle. They exist to stop the debt growing at such an alarming rate. Actually tackling the national debt? Hoo boy, we're a long way away from that.


The UK is simply too addicted to debt (both public and private). We are simply incapable of living within our means.


The UK debt clock may be of interest.


And "after the cuts"? The cuts have only just started.

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