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National pride.

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As a nation we are well known for digging in during hard time, coming together and working together. Some of the stories about the Blitz amaze me, and make me think we all seem to work against each other in today's society.


A while ago a French guy (i don't remember his name) was doing an interview on the news, he was basically saying he would like the job of organising the London Olympic bid (don't get me started on why it must be London). He said that England really needs something the whole country could get behind and feel proud of.


After thinking about it for a while i firmly believe we do need something. Not necessarily the Olympics as that would be decades away. But something else, something that defines us, that everybody could get involved in, no matter what city you live in.


The question is any ideas what kind of thing could achieve this and what do people think to the general concept?

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Whenever I've travelled in Europe (places as far afield as Turkey and Norway and points inbetween like Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Austria) there are national flags wherever you go - in gardens, on boats, outside public buildings, on houses). This is taken as a pride in their culture, heritage and national identity.


Isn't it a shame that doing the same in this country would be seen as an uprising of the BNP?

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