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Highway Code Rules

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Could someone be so kind as to point out the rule in the Highway Code that says:


"If you have a modified car (e.g. wide tyres, lowered suspension, blacked out windows, unneccesarily massive exhaust etc) or are a chav, then you must tailgate, and drive at approx 30mph-40pmh over the limit".

and the penalties for not doing so?


This must be a relitively new rule, as there has been a marked increase in these occurances! Thanks.

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Could someone be so kind as to point out the rule in the Highway Code that says:


"If you have a modified car (e.g. wide tyres, lowered suspension, blacked out windows, unneccesarily massive exhaust etc) or are a chav, then you must tailgate, and drive at approx 30mph-40pmh over the limit".

and the penalties for not doing so?


This must be a relitively new rule, as there has been a marked increase in these occurances! Thanks.

It's a seasonal fluctuation, don't worry the same chav-mobiles won't even start come winter time.;)
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Wider than standard tyres - check


Lowered suspension - check


Tinted windows - check


Massive exhaust - nearly, I have a straight through stainless but it is of standard bore size.


Do I drive 30-40mph over the limit? No. Do I tailgate? No, I hate tailgaters with a passion. I'm quite likely to ATTRACT tailgaters, people thinking 'oh a GTI badge I'll have a bit of that and it'll make people think I don't have a micro-penis'.


I don't worry about them though, I soon loose them when I get to the national speed limit bendy roads. They just get smaller and smaller in my rearview, it's immensely satisfying.

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Could someone be so kind as to point out the rule in the Highway Code that says:


"If you have a modified car (e.g. wide tyres, lowered suspension, blacked out windows, unneccesarily massive exhaust etc) or are a chav, then you must tailgate, and drive at approx 30mph-40pmh over the limit".

and the penalties for not doing so?


This must be a relitively new rule, as there has been a marked increase in these occurances! Thanks.


It`s not a highway code rule , it`s in the chav handbook of anti social annoying behaviour.


section 3 , sub section 9


upon taking your supped up 1L car on the public highway , you must observe the following


1/ you must always observe,and be aware of all other road users, and blatently invade their road space whilst playing your chav music as loud as possible wearing your Burberry cap at a 45 degree angle.


IF any motorist who you have cut up, tail gated or simply annoyed with your chavvy behaviour challanges your unacceptable driving , you must shout abuse at thm,and threaten to set your chav staffy on them .

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It sits alongside the rule for Sunday drivers about the speed limit being 40mph everywhere. You should always ignore speed limit signs on a Sunday so when it says 30 it means 40, when it says national speed limit it still means 40.

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Ah, that explains the young driver with the white Escort with a carry handle on the back who came speeding up behind me on Brocco Bank flashing his lights. I looked in the mirror and saw his passenger waving me to go faster than the 30 I was already doing.


Why do they put those handles on the back, no-ones going to be able to pick the car up? :loopy:

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