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Should fox hunting be banned....

Fox Hunting  

103 members have voted

  1. 1. Fox Hunting

    • It should be banned
    • It should NOT be banned
    • Couldn't care less.

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Originally posted by serapis

There is a distinct difference between hunting a fox that is causing major problems to local farmers and hunting to cull numbers of a local population. The prior would involve methods to guarantee the disposal of the fox, and so blocking escape routes could be used.




It takes time to dig a fox out of its hole, and so by the time the fox is dug out the hounds would be on their way back to their kennels led by the houndsman.


Fishpole, I assume as I don’t know otherwise you are fisherman. You do know the league against cruel sports next target is fishing don’t you!

Fishpole is the furthest thing from a 'fisherman' that I've ever known. Thanks for the laugh though:D
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Aye Willman - most farmers do not have high powered rifles ... erm! Who said anything about farmers carrying out the task of keeping fox numbers down?


And did I say people could keep the fox hounds as pets? I simply stated that dogs will be kept as pets so rather than breed those that are not suitable - start breeding those that are.


Serapis - regardless of facts I am allowed to have an opinion, even when it is one you may not like. And you can find lots of facts to support fox hunting and lots of facts against. Just do a search on the net. As you talk to people who believe one thing and have that as fact so I talk to others and accept their views as their opinions. Fox hunters cannot guarentee 100% instant death for the foxes they hunt - so that side fo the argument is pointless. Who claimed 100% accuracy?


You are right on one point, however, and that is that I have never killed another animal. It would go against my faith to do so as things stand at the moment - that being I would only kill to eat. If no-one was providing me with my meat then it is something I would have to deal with.


As to the other points you make - where are your facts supporting these? Come on - Facts - and not just your opinions or the opinions of those you have spoken to. I bet if someone tries they can find opposing facts to every one you bring up.


Like I said - it is just my opinion.



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I understand your point of view and I do not expect you to change your mind. To be honest you are one of the only people who have commented on here who have done so in an eloquent manner.


We both come from different sides of the fence and we both have different experiences that backup our support or dislike for fox hunting.


I have tried to back up my argument with references to where the material has come from, e.g. the Burns report or from a Labour MP. However the anti-fox hunting comments so far have never backed up their reasons. There has only been one link to a hypothetical story (fiction) on a fox hunt which I have found on other Anti-fox hunting websites word for word.


I have asked again and again for reference material so that I can look and see yours and others reasoning but nothing has been posted.


You are never going to convince me of the merits to your argument if you only post your personal opinion.


I never expected to convince people fox hunting is right. I am merely trying to put right some of the arguments that are used to justify the anti fox hunting viewpoint. It is clear and widely agreed by both sides that the demise of fox hunting will not save any foxes.


With comments like "those uper class p------s who hunt foxes" and "Having lots of toffee-nosed tossers riding on horses" it is clear the fox hunting issue is in fact a class issue.

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how can it be a class issue when the hunts prided themselves on a strong cross class pasttime, and indeed used this fact to refute the "toffee nosed" label?


It's not class jealousy. It's just that it's hard to justify fox hunting as being anything other than a jolly good gallop across open country, often ending in the death of a fox.


It's not pest control, it's not conservation, its entertainment at the expense of a sentient animal.


No wonder 76% of those who have voted so far, think that the current ban is perfectly reasonable.

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In some matters opinions count more than hard facts Serapis. This is a highly volatile topic with people bringing in all manner of arguments to support their case - most of which do not sit well depending on which side of the proverbial fence you are sitting on.


Debates such as this can continue forever with neither side getting anywhere. Perhaps the government has acted to the pressures of those who are against fox hunting and have no proof to support their reasons for passing the anti-hunt law. It does not matter. The law stands and anyone fox hunting is guilty of breaking the law.


Just don't do it, and go through the proper channels to try to get the law revoked.


What about the point someone raised about fox populations in countries where hunting is not allowed?



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