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Should fox hunting be banned....

Fox Hunting  

103 members have voted

  1. 1. Fox Hunting

    • It should be banned
    • It should NOT be banned
    • Couldn't care less.

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Bit of a childish response that in my opinion, Cyclone. We all know what breeding is and there is no mention of the ridicule you put on the subject.


As for foxes having a right to live on this planet - I would not assume to know the ways of nature but their extinction may only be a matter of time, and if that happens then it must be the natural way of things.


The debate will go on and on with both sides sticking to their arguments. Again I suggest that the law has been passed and should be adhered to until it is repealed.


On a side note - if the dogs used for fox hunting are bred for killing then they should be tarnished with the same brush as all the other fighting dogs and treated in the same way.



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I don’t support fox hunting but I don’t oppose it either. What is more important is why the government saw fit to ban it. In my opinion, the state should not have stuck its (increasingly illiberal) snout into this issue at all. The hunting with dogs ban is an example of the wrong sort of nanny state. It is absolutely right that the government gets involved in, say, banning smoking in public places (second hand smoke is a proven health hazard) or encouraging lard arses to stop shovelling sugar’n’salt (the NHS – tax revenue - pays for their lifestyle choices), but where does it get off banning fox hunting? Nothing to do with them as far as I can see, where’s the public benefit? And if fox hunting, then why not fishing? I’m sure you could find some over emotive hunt sab who would gleefully describe fishing as a ‘barbaric blood sport where innocent creatures have vicious metal hooks ripped through their bodies causing immeasurable pain and suffering for the sick entertainment of the twisted angler’. Or grouse shooting? I personally find boxing more offensive and barbaric (two blokes hitting each other in the head – lovely) than hunting but then this, along with angling, is seen as a traditional working class sport so no need for Blair and co. to have a go at that one and good thing too as, again, it’s really nothing to do with them. And while I’m on this rant, hasn’t the government got better things to do – like rooting out Islamic terrorists :rant: ? Pathetic waste of time, effort and taxpayers money. :shakes:

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Originally posted by withnail

What is more important is why the government saw fit to ban it.


From that I take it that you would have preferred the repeal of the laws banning bear and badger baiting and **** and dog fighting? Using your arguments, these activities are no more worthy of laws than the latest attempt to make Britain a more civilised society?


The only reason the law took so much parliamentary time was the intransigence of the unelected House of Laws who attempted to subvert our democracy by ignoring the public's wishes.

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Originally posted by smelley_cat1

by innocent i meant foxes have just as much right to live on this earth as we do and so by hunting them we are taking away that right!


and by "they will be killed anyway" I meant that the ban on hunting will only alter the way they are killed. It wasn't done to stop foxes being killed, are you with me yet?

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