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Should fox hunting be banned....

Fox Hunting  

103 members have voted

  1. 1. Fox Hunting

    • It should be banned
    • It should NOT be banned
    • Couldn't care less.

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Yes cyclone - we know foxes will still be killed. You want to repeat yourself a few more times? So - foxes will still be killed - big wow!


Point is they will not be chased by a pack of bloodthirsty morons believing chasing an animal is a sport, being led by a pack of dogs that just want to rip the animal to death - once it is exausted, of course.


Get over it. Obviously this person does not like the so called sport and chooses to side with the foxes. That is the eprsons business.


Go on - repeat yourself a few more times - good excuse for not posting anything new or that may add to the debate.



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Originally posted by smelley_cat1

by innocent i meant foxes have just as much right to live on this earth as we do and so by hunting them we are taking away that right!


I was responding to this clarification Dragon, just to point out that supporting a ban on hunting will not achieve anything if the aim is to allow foxes to live their inoccent lives without us taking away that right.


Of course I'm glad to see that you were adding quality discourse to the thread with several posts about human hunting.


Do you even realise that i'm not arguing about the ban on hunting? Just the wooly reasoning being used to support it.

I don't think that hunting is a particularly humane way to control a pest, at least not hunting with dogs.

But the arguments against the ban also seem pretty strong, in that hunting foxes in any other way is just as cruel, so what difference does it make in the end?

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i say we just forget this whole arguement its not getting anywhere


we all agree fox hunting is humane

we all agree they will all die still due to the law

we all agree fox hunting should be banned completely and that foxes shpould be able to live in peace even tho by the looks of things that wont happen



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It boils down to the fact - which would you prefer - to be chased all over the countryside with no escape, while a pack of people on horses, led by a bigger pack of bloodthirsty dogs hunted you down - or would you prefer the bullet in the head?


Seems to me like you enjoy trying to play devils advocate.


And human hunting is something that takes place - though not usually a blood sport in that the hunted are not killed. It can be an intersting hobby to say the least - but then you do not have the pleasure of seeing some animal being torn to shreds so perhaps not fun for all eh?


And I wonder how many of those hunters would be so happy if they had any idea what it was like to be on the receiving end? Just another of those silly anti-hunt arguments.


Now maybe shooting will not be guarenteed to kill foxes 100% of the time, but it still seems more humane to me.



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Originally posted by smelley_cat1

i say we just forget this whole arguement its not getting anywhere


we all agree fox hunting is humane

we all agree they will all die still due to the law

we all agree fox hunting should be banned completely and that foxes shpould be able to live in peace even tho by the looks of things that wont happen




I think you mean inhumane. But yes i agree.

Yes I agree.


No i do not agree, they do need controlling, I'd rather it could be done humanely though.

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Originally posted by Dragon

It boils down to the fact - which would you prefer - to be chased all over the countryside with no escape, while a pack of people on horses, led by a bigger pack of bloodthirsty dogs hunted you down - or would you prefer the bullet in the head?


Seems to me like you enjoy trying to play devils advocate.


And human hunting is something that takes place - though not usually a blood sport in that the hunted are not killed. It can be an intersting hobby to say the least - but then you do not have the pleasure of seeing some animal being torn to shreds so perhaps not fun for all eh?


And I wonder how many of those hunters would be so happy if they had any idea what it was like to be on the receiving end? Just another of those silly anti-hunt arguments.


Now maybe shooting will not be guarenteed to kill foxes 100% of the time, but it still seems more humane to me.




If it were like that, a bullet to the head and a quick death, then yes i'd agree.

Apparently though it isn't. Generally the fox is merely injured, and runs away. It then dies days later from blood poisoning or starvation. So, a couple of hours of being chased then a few seconds of being ripped apart, or several days of increasing pain before a painful lingering death?


I've no idea if it's fun or not, i've never hunted anything. Doesn't particularly appeal to me.


I don't see how


"And I wonder how many of those hunters would be so happy if they had any idea what it was like to be on the receiving end?"


is an argument against hunting at all.

We also wouldn't like being eaten, is that an argument against eating?

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You see but you do not read too well at times. I stated that it was a silly argument used by the anti-hunt brigade. The words are silly argument.


How many foxes do you know that have been shot, and where do you get those statistics from concerning the kill ratio? I just wondered about that as you are so up on statistics.


It all boils down to one thing - Fox hunting has been made illegal. To continue to hunt is to break the law. Are you advocating people break the law? I doubt that you are.


The poll shows a majority of people against hunting. Does not matter who they are or what their reasoning - they are against it. In this case I think the poll speaks volumes and those advocating the hunt are just too filled with their own self-righteousness to back down and accept it.



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Why would I advocate that, I have no real interest in the hunt, and despite the way it was done, it is now the law...


I don't personally know any foxes, what I know of it comes from the media, and so may well be biased.

I do know how difficult it is to shoot something (a target), and that's in good light without it running around. I imagine that it's far harder to shoot a fox and to be confident of a head shot you'd have to be a bloody good marksmen with a bloody good rifle and have some luck on your side.

The rest is just reasoning following on from the difficulty of the shot.


Sorry, I thought you were being self deprecating when you said "just a silly argument".

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Originally posted by Cyclone

...what I know of it comes from the media, and so may well be biased.

I do know how difficult it is to shoot something (a target), and that's in good light without it running around. I imagine that it's far harder to shoot a fox and to be confident of a head shot you'd have to be a bloody good marksmen with a bloody good rifle and have some luck on your side.

The rest is just reasoning following on from the difficulty of the shot...

Why do various people on here keep referring to shooting with rifles?


Farmers, and most others who shoot to control animal numbers (rabbits, etc.) use shotguns...


...it's not as "risky" for anyone, and the kill ratio is good...


...and rabbit stew is far nicer than vegetable stew, so why would anyone want a wounded animal running away?


Oh, and rabbits are smaller than foxes, so how come they're so easy to control by shooting, but somehow the argument seems to go that foxes are so difficult?



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