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Should fox hunting be banned....

Fox Hunting  

103 members have voted

  1. 1. Fox Hunting

    • It should be banned
    • It should NOT be banned
    • Couldn't care less.

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Foxhunting is cruel, barbaric and medieval. Having lots of toffee-nosed tossers riding on horses with dozens of hounds after a single fox - only to rip it to shreds . . . WTF!! That is neither sport or pest control, it's simply a buzz for the gits in red suits who think they are helping the countryside in the most horrific possible way. GET A LIFE TOFF F**KS!!


Anyway, if anyone's ever read Fantastic Mr Fox - you'll know that foxes are nice, kind animals. So there!:)

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Originally posted by serapis

This article is written from the point of view of an Anti-fox hunting view point.


First of all it tries to make an emotional connection with the fox by calling it the Mother fox, suggesting she has a litter of small cubs. That’s a farce, as far as I’m aware you cannot hunt a fox with a litter and for this purpose many fox hunts did not hunt at certain times fo the year!


Seventy-three percent of British people want foxhunting and other bloodsports banned, says a 1996 MORI poll.

This is nearly 10 years out of date. The last poles suggest an almost 50/50 split between pro and anti-fox hunting.


Not finished reading it yet so I will comment more it a little while.

No it hasn't, this is exactly what happens with fox hunting and has been wrote with facts. It is not nessesarily takeing either side. It wasn't taken from a animal welfare site or anything, was a mutual site.


These are facts of exactly what happens!

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Originally posted by serapis

First of all I resent the word toff being used here and it shows the real reason why fox hunting was banned. I remember a comment made by a Labour MP just before the ban was being voted on. He said "This is about who runs this country, us or the bloody toffs". This was nothing to do with foxes, but more to do with the republican ideals of the labour party!


Hunting foxes with hounds should never had been banned. More foxes will suffer with the new methods of control. A fox hunt will kill 100% of all foxes caught. Someone shooting, trapping or using poison can never attain that level.


I don’t believe in hunting stag's with hounds though as that is just a sport and serves no purpose. Also hair coursing!


Hunting a fox in the country is on most occasions by request of the land owner / farmer. A fox can decimate poultry beyond your imagination! I know ive seen it and its not because the farmer didn't lock them up. I've seen strong wooden doors that have had panels torn off by a fox just to get at a few chicken locked up in a stable. Stable doors hold back horses.


Yes the fox has a place in the countryside, and they need control. They have no natural predators so WE need to keep them in check.


Chasing a fox with hounds is no different to the methods a fox uses to hunt say a rabbit.


Fair play that foxes decimate chickens and stuff, but why should getting rid of the predator be made into a sick game for toff tory idiots to enjoy??

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Well that certainly is a convincing argument for the banning of fox hunting from beautynbeast. I will continue being content in this ban.


I'm not convinced that its necessary, I never was. I still wonder why the government actually did it. Was it really for animal rights?

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Originally posted by MarkB

No it hasn't, this is exactly what happens with fox hunting and has been wrote with facts. It is not nessesarily takeing either side. It wasn't taken from a animal welfare site or anything, was a mutual site.


These are facts of exactly what happens!


It ISN'T fact!


Will you please join me in an imaginary helicopter for a bird’s-eye view

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You're not going to get a representative sample of people to represent the whole country if you post a poll on the Sheffield forum, are you? Sheffield being a largely urban, Labour-voting area, and this forum being populated largely by younger people of an urban background, means that you're bound to end up with a majority that want hunting banned. Though of course since you're on the anti-hunting side, I'm sure that's exactly what you want. If you did the same poll in a rural county like North Yorkshire, you'd end up with exactly the opposite.

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Originally posted by Lestat

Foxhunting is cruel, barbaric and medieval. Having lots of toffee-nosed tossers riding on horses with dozens of hounds after a single fox - only to rip it to shreds . . . WTF!! That is neither sport or pest control, it's simply a buzz for the gits in red suits who think they are helping the countryside in the most horrific possible way. GET A LIFE TOFF F**KS!!


Anyway, if anyone's ever read Fantastic Mr Fox - you'll know that foxes are nice, kind animals. So there!:)


I’m not a toff, but I support fox hunting because I don’t come from a position of ignorance.


Again, the reasons are clear again, class hatred!

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Originally posted by Lestat

Foxhunting is cruel, barbaric and medieval. Having lots of toffee-nosed tossers riding on horses with dozens of hounds after a single fox - only to rip it to shreds . . . WTF!! That is neither sport or pest control, it's simply a buzz for the gits in red suits who think they are helping the countryside in the most horrific possible way. GET A LIFE TOFF F**KS!!


Anyway, if anyone's ever read Fantastic Mr Fox - you'll know that foxes are nice, kind animals. So there!:)


which just illustrates why this was a class issue with little to do with foxes.

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Originally posted by serapis

...Hunting a fox in the country is on most occasions by request of the land owner / farmer...

Please take care to differentiate the two.


When I worked in "control" for the forestry commission I knew lots of tenant farmers who didn't want fox hunting, but because the landowner was in the local "hunt" they had to allow it.


A good number of farm owners were equally against the hunt, and were “most displeased” when they had to make good damage that was done by the hunt on their land...


...much as the forestry commission were unhappy that we had to re-erect rabbit control fencing (amongst other things) that the hunt had damaged/destroyed whilst on their (the fox hunters) merry jaunt.


Not all people from “the country” back this pursuit, or agree with it's validity as a control method.



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