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Should fox hunting be banned....

Fox Hunting  

103 members have voted

  1. 1. Fox Hunting

    • It should be banned
    • It should NOT be banned
    • Couldn't care less.

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Originally posted by foo_fighter

Please take care to differentiate the two.


When I worked in "control" for the forestry commission I knew lots of tenant farmers who didn't want fox hunting, but because the landowner was in the local "hunt" they had to allow it.


A good number of farm owners were equally against the hunt, and were “most displeased” when they had to make good damage that was done by the hunt on their land...


...much as the forestry commission were unhappy that we had to re-erect rabbit control fencing (amongst other things) that the hunt had damaged/destroyed whilst on their (the fox hunters) merry jaunt.


Not all people from “the country” back this pursuit, or agree with it's validity as a control method.




Very true. My grandad (a farm owner) didn't agree with fox hunting too.

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Originally posted by MarkB

here we are, take time to read it. It is so moving to read this:




After reading this I am sure everyone will really agree with me no matter what they say on here!


I haven't got time to fully read it and take it in, but I will later.


Another part I take exception is:

Can you hear the hounds baying for you and the people cheering them to run faster?


When riding in a hunt and chasing a fox you don’t have time to cheer nor will you. You're more interested in staying on your horse and I have never seen people riding in a hunt cheering. This is again an attempt to make hunting look bad and that all people hunting are blood thirsty.


This article is a badly disguised ploy to discredit fox hunting, which is not impartial what so ever.

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When riding in a hunt and chasing a fox you don’t have time to cheer nor will you. You're more interested in staying on your horse and I have never seen people riding in a hunt cheering. This is again an attempt to make hunting look bad and that all people hunting are blood thirsty.

so by your facts, you say hunters dont cheer?

can i ask how many hunts have you been on to back up this fact? :confused:

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Here are the counter arguments ... even if you don’t agree with hunting, which is your right, please read this and understand not everything you hear from the league against cruel sports and other organisations is entirely true.


Hunting is cruel - Wrong


“Hunting by hounds is the most natural and humane way of controlling the population of all four quarry species - fox, deer, hare and mink - in the countryside.” Statement supported by over 500 members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.


“Naturally, people ask whether we were implying that hunting is cruel…The short answer to that question is no.”

Lord Burns, chair. Inquiry into Hunting with dogs


This confirmed the findings of an earlier Government inquiry. Both inquiries found that death was almost instantaneous. The inquiry also found that shotgun use in the day & snaring - the main alternatives to hunting - are worse for animal welfare.


Animals are chased to exhaustion - Wrong


Foxes and other quarry species are not hunted to the point of physical exhaustion and collapse, rather to the point where, when still running hard, they are caught up by the leading hounds. Equally deer will turn and face the hounds at bay when they are then shot by the huntsman. The huntsman cannot afford to deliberately prolong the chase because if he does so the hounds will be unable to continue the chase because of lack of scent.


They say: It is done by 'toffs' on horses who enjoy cruelty - Wrong


This pathetic attitude is wholly untrue. 195,000 ordinary women and men from all walks of life, support hunting, most of them on foot. Logically it cannot be right for MPs to ban hunting with hounds, and not hunting with a gun or a fishing rod, purely because they don’t like the people they believe support hunting with dogs. The proposal to ban hunting is an attack on the people that hunt, rather than an improvement in animal welfare.


Our campaign against hunting is based on animal welfare consideration - Wrong


As one of the main anti-hunting groups in the UK, the League Against Cruel Sports is presumed to put animal welfare at the centre of it's argument against the activity. This is rubbish, five people have left - two of which are chief executives - in protest at it's disgraceful behaviour.


The majority of the public want a ban - Wrong


Only 36% of the public supports a ban on hunting. The majority of the public now consistently opposes a ban.


A ban will save animals lives - Wrong


Lord Burns, chairman of the latest Government inquiry into hunting reported that, “If hunting were subject to a ban, I have little doubt that at least an equivalent number of foxes, deer and hares would be killed by other means.” The welfare case for hunting is irrefutable.


MP's must decide - Wrong


The vast majority of opposition comes from urban Labour MPs with no hunting in their constituencies and is often based on old political scores and not on reality. Decisions on hunting should be made by those involved in wildlife management and farming. The people who matter in wildlife management and animal welfare are the people who care for animals rather than those who care about them. The "carers for" invariably also "care about".


And finally ....


Barry Sheerman, one of the three Labour MPs to vote against the ban in September 2004, admited to The Telegraph, [that] the new law is, in large part, class-driven revenge for the Tories' smashing of the miners' strike, and the privatisation of the nationalised industries.


Is this a reason to ban something?

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Originally posted by beautynbeast

so by your facts, you say hunters dont cheer?

can i ask how many hunts have you been on to back up this fact? :confused:


Having visited hunts from a very early age and participated in them when I was about 15, I can safely say I had had about 20 years experience being around hunts etc.


On one of the many documentaries about fox hunting I did see people stood on the side of the road cheering, but they are not the people hunting and was probably only done because the cameras where there.

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Originally posted by beautynbeast


Foxes are not pests. In fact, they are very useful for controlling the numbers of pests on farmland. Their natural diet is rabbits, voles, mice and rats. When rabbits were first hit by myxamatosis in the 1950s, their numbers dropped by more than 99%. Soon however, the population will have completely recovered and according to a report from the Ministry of Agriculture, rabbits are causing £100 million worth of damage to crops and forestry each year.


Sorry but I have to challenge this, foxes are pests, ask any farmer, gamekeeper or anyone who has kept poultry. As a farmer's son I spent 22 years on a working farm, in that time I couldn't tell you how many times a fox got into chicken, partridge or pheasant pens and slaughtered as many birds as possible. One time the figure was close to 80 birds, they will kill indiscriminately, not for food, not for nessecity but purely for fun.


This is why foxes are vermin and why they need to be controlled be that through hunting or through shooting them. Either way the end result is the same.

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