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Ultra loud motorbike commuting across Hillsborough at 5.45 in the morning.

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Seeing the way you cry and moan about it, is all the more reason to open up the throttle on a decat pipe. You forget how lucky you are to live in a free country given all the problems in the world today. Crying over spilt milk


I disagree, I regularly work night shifts as part of the emergency services and such actions as described above keep me awake in the day. I hope you never rely on the emergency services after 'opening up the throttle on a decat pipe' and thus keeping me awake in the day for no reason whatsoever, only to rely on my alertness on my night shift.

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Seeing the way you cry and moan about it, is all the more reason to open up the throttle on a decat pipe. You forget how lucky you are to live in a free country given all the problems in the world today. Crying over spilt milk


Sorry my logic circuits don`t compute what you`re saying, any chance of a clarification of the rational position of your argument ?

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Sorry my logic circuits don`t compute what you`re saying, any chance of a clarification of the rational position of your argument ?


Certainly. People like you who spend their whole time whinging about things like this are just fun to annoy, you rise to the bait too easily. As the above user said use ear plugs if you're easily woken up.

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Certainly. People like you who spend their whole time whinging about things like this are just fun to annoy, you rise to the bait too easily. As the above user said use ear plugs if you're easily woken up.


Aren't you the big I am? As opposed to being woken up you really should grow up.

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Certainly. People like you who spend their whole time whinging about things like this are just fun to annoy, you rise to the bait too easily. As the above user said use ear plugs if you're easily woken up.


Are you taking the mickey ? I speak as someone who more or less does it professionally, but I realised quite early on that doing so on forums is a bad idea. It doesn`t work on a forum, one just comes across as a bit of ****.

If you`re being serious, and I hope you`re not, you`re just as ignorant as our noisy "mate" is. If I were selfish I`d say I hope you, or your young kids (if you ever have any) are frequently woken up by some selfish cretin on a noisy bike. Actually, not your kids (if you ever have any), that`d be a step too far, for those of us who aren't selfish morons anyway. That said, when toddlers / babies get woken from their afternoon sleep it`s the parents who are more upset about it in my experience !


By the way, how old are you ? I`m very interested to know......


---------- Post added 15-01-2016 at 16:24 ----------


Certainly. People like you who spend their whole time whinging about things like this are just fun to annoy, you rise to the bait too easily. As the above user said use ear plugs if you're easily woken up.


I`ve just realised something here. On this thread the commute to work of the noisy biker (which actually started this thread) was traced by all the people he regularly woke up every morning ! Bearing in mind that only constitutes SF contributors it`s a fair bet he used to wake up 100s (possibly 1000s) of people every bleedin` morning ! ! Bearing that in mind, anyone who comes on here trying to say loud exhausts aren`t anti social must be taking the p***, or have psychological issues. Take your pick.

Edited by Justin Smith
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  • 3 months later...
Are you talking about 'being the meat in the sandwich'? (Overtaking a line of traffic between that traffic and oncoming traffic).


That's dangerous.


I'm pleased to read that you have a copy of the Police advanced riding manual...Or do you?


If you look closely at your copy of 'Roadcraft' (the manual you 'quoted') you will note that it says: "The advantages of filtering along or between stopped or slow moving traffic have to be weighed against the disadvantages of increased vulnerability while filtering".


It doesn't say -as you suggest - "You shouldn't make a third lane".


If you are going to quote a Police manual (or any other acknowledged expert source) please don't make it up.


I'm surprise to read you do not have a copy of the Highway Code.


You can get one here.


My copy of Motorcycle Roadcraft - The Police Riders Manual does in fact say that. Chapter 7 Overtaking under "Planning" it says :


Avoid making a third line of vehicles abreast, either travelling in the same or opposite directions.


I knew I`d read it somewhere, though it`s pretty obvious advice anyway.


"justin smith - Incidentally, filtering through traffic, unless it`s stationary, is a very risky thing to do.

I never did it when I used to have bikes."



I have to say that you dont know what your talking about.


I wont tell you why, because you will not understand.


I dont mean to be rude. I guess your not breaking any rules on here.

It would seem I do, after all, know what I`m talking about. Unless the Police Riders Manual is rubbish as well.......

Edited by Justin Smith
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